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  • in reply to: Gabi & Lani #60511

    I think this is Days pushing the envelope on reality in order to tell a story. It’s what they do.

    Who do you think killed Li? I think Clyde was behind it just like he was responsible for Abigail’s murder.

    in reply to: Holly’s Diabolical Deeds #60494

    This Holly story to breakup Johnny and Chanel just started. Holly guilted Tate into being her partner in crime yesterday. We haven’t heard the plan yet but I hope it’s not a repeat storyline. Chanel knows Holly wants Johnny so it will need to be something quite underhanded to work.

    in reply to: Non-Existing Characters Backstories #60472

    The specifics of the slap on the wrist he got wasn’t needed to advance this story. All we need to know is he’s a crooked doctor and both Melinda and Sloan were involved in his previous case. We don’t need another lame story dragging this baby story out any longer.

    in reply to: Dumb Meets Dumbest #60471

    I agree. It’s a lot of forced events with details that don’t make sense just to keep the story going of the baby belonging to Eric and bringing Eric and Nicole back together. According to spoilers, another oft repeated plot of baby having health crisis and needing biological parent to save it is coming up. Will Sloan tell the truth to save her baby?

    in reply to: Dumb Meets Dumbest #60468

    This car accident baby story is so forced and ridiculous in order for Nicole’s baby to get to Eric and Sloan. First of all, the police and EJ should have tried to find her using her cellphone. Holly finally remembers she has a tracking app on her phone and she was able to locate Nicole. It took long enough. A teenager had more sense than EJ or Rafe. Rafe, meanwhile seemed indifferent toward Nicole’s plight since he was more worried about Jada. Healthy Jada with a head injury in good hands in the hospital vs a pregnant women a few weeks from giving birth who may have been in an accident. So why did Dimitri go to Sloan’s house with the baby – because he remembered Leo told him she was a tough lawyer. Melinda just happened to be there and talked Sloan into claiming the baby was hers. And then, history repeats itself with Melinda offering to pay off a crooked doctor to say Nicole’s baby has died. (Similar to Nicole years ago losing her baby with EJ but didn’t tell him. She found a single mother to give up her baby to her and pass it off as EJs. Meanwhile Sami goes into labor, and Nicole switches her baby out with Sami’s- involved paying a crooked doctor. And then there’s the more recent Sarah/Kristen baby switch by Xander/Victor and payment to a crooked doctor). Same old, same old.
    I think the writer’s story idea may be interesting but they do an awful job with the details in making the story come to life.

    in reply to: Tyler Christopher original Stefan #60438

    Thanks for the link mommytutu. I hadn’t heard the news. It’s very sad – he was so young.

    in reply to: Li Shin’s Therapy #60427

    I agree, the Gabi Stefan love story has turned into ridiculous scheming to get control of DiMera. It’s time for Gabi to go and Stefan can go with her. I hope they don’t kill her off though so she can be recast in the future with a meaty story. Li is better off without her now.

    in reply to: Stephanie’s Ex #60426

    So is he Jada’s ex also or were the rumors wrong?

    Two things strange about Everett: 1. he bumps into Gabi in the square and she seems familiar – is this going into another Nick Fallon story eventually. Gabi didn’t recognize him though. 2. does Everett have no family or friends or employer who would look for him or report him missing after his accident in Seattle? This whole story seems far fetched and a stretch for the viewers to believe. Note: I haven’t watched today’s show, Oct 31, yet so maybe it will be explained. But right now Everett’s story seems almost as far fetched as Clyde’s people finding Susan after the car accident.

    in reply to: Stephanie’s Ex #60419

    Days is just expanding on Stephanie’s story since she and Chad are having problems. Rather than her running back to Alex, Days is bringing back Steph’s old boyfriend. She mentioned him soon after she got to Salem in conversations. I’m curious as to where this story goes.

    in reply to: Rachel: A Means To an End #60413

    Brady didn’t know Gabi and Stefan’s ulterior motive for supposedly helping him when he spoke to Marlena. But now that he does, perhaps he and Marlena could cut a deal with Kristen for shared custody if they can get Kristen’s shares back. The problem is there is no evidence and it would be their word against Stefan and Gabi’s word. Plus Kristen may rather have sole custody of Rachel over her shares. She’s still getting dividends, just lost voting power.

    in reply to: Stephanie’s Ex #60412

    If Julie or Maggie says “he looks familiar” about BBs new character it will be an attempt at humor on the part of the writers.
    This past week Kristen was talking to somebody in the mansion and mentioned that EJ thinks she reminds him of his mother Susan. Humor!

    in reply to: Lack of Story #60402

    I’d like to know the answers to those questions also. Just out of the blue Gil owns the Bistro?

    in reply to: Xander and Sarah #60400

    Yes, they would be step brother and step sister if Maggie and Victor had truly married.
    One question that comes to mind is how long Victor know about Zander being his son. Did he just find out hence the side trip to Greece and the new will? Are Victor’s brother and/or his wife, Xander’s mother, still alive? If Victor knew about this for many years, then why did he see the need to acknowledge it now? There’s more to this story that I hope comes out.
    (I don’t recall if Xander ever said if his parents were still alive).

    in reply to: Heir Apparent #60391

    My question is why did Victor only leave his estate to Maggie and Xander, what about his other children or their heirs. Kate did say when Victor died that Phillip was taken care of with a trust. However, what about Bo and his deceased daughter? Seems like Brady should have gotten his mother’s share or at least something.
    He also could have left something to Justin, even though he’s not a son.

    in reply to: Theresa ‘s Seduction #60378

    That’s a good point. My guess is she doesn’t like Xander after all he has done with Teresa’s x manteo.

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