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  • in reply to: BB Everett/Nick DVD: Timothy Robichaux #60605

    Everett and Nick Fallon are two different characters played by the same actor. They have no connection. Of course, it is always possible Days does some weird storyline where Everett is Nick Fallon or his twin. There hasn’t been any indication of that so far and I haven’t seen it in any rumors. Has anyone seen any rumors about Everett?

    in reply to: Leo WIns #60602

    I think this is one of those story points that Days just puts out there with no reasoning behind it just to advance the storyline. They hope the viewers will not ask too many questions. LOL

    in reply to: Leo WIns #60599

    I think Leo could have been the person that took the baby from the square. However, they showed the black gloved hands and black lower sleeve of the person who took the stroller and Leo’s coat is a light color. They made it a point to show Nicole putting on her black jacket as she left the house. Either one could have worn black gloves. I think Leo was definitely involved in getting the baby to Nicole and getting them to safety. Maybe Nicole took the baby from the stroller and Leo saw this and encouraged her to take it home. We’ll hopefully find out Monday what really happened.

    in reply to: Stephanie’s Foot #60587

    He doesn’t trust Alex for sure. But he doesn’t trust Stef enough to stand up to him. She’s even told Chad that in the past.

    in reply to: Stephanie’s Foot #60585

    Same thing can be said about Chad jumping to the wrong conclusion as soon as Stef opened the front door. What an idiot! He doesn’t trust Stephanie.

    in reply to: Eric The Daddy #60578

    I also read about the baby’s health scare and needing a biological parent to save it. I wonder how they’ll go about finding the biological match. Will they run a sample of DNA or some other sample from the baby through the hospital’s database looking for a match or will Leo or Sloan tell what they know. I just hope it all happens before Xmas and Nicole gets some good news and this story ends.

    in reply to: Eric The Daddy #60570

    Yeah that decision by the lab to use EJs dna since Nicole’s toothbrush didn’t have enough on it to test was stretching the story to stay with the plot. Kayla should have insisted that they contact Nicole to get another sample directly from her. But that would have sent the story in another direction. LOL.

    in reply to: Eric The Daddy #60566

    Eric didn’t have to donate his dna sample since EJs dna didn’t match and by a process of elimination Eric is the only other person Nicole slept with and is therefore the father.

    in reply to: Tolly #60541

    I also don’t look forward to this upcoming Holly/Johnny/Chanel story for all the reasons you both pointed out.

    in reply to: What do you want to bet . . . #60537

    Yes, I’m also done with the baby switch stories.

    There are three repetitive storylines Days uses: who’s the Daddy, baby switch, and get pregnant after having sex once.
    This Nicole story has all three at once.

    And then there’s the fourth storyline, don’t tell the Daddy since he’s no good. That one they just played out with Sarah and Zander.

    Days how about some new original storylines?

    in reply to: What do you want to bet . . . #60536

    I thought it was Nicole’s toothbrush she took to the hospital.

    in reply to: Victoria’s Kidnapper #60534

    I hope Kayla and Sarah believe what Steve is telling them. My gosh, Steve and John have been private investigators for ages and very rarely are wrong. They took a trip to Greece to get the evidence on Constantine rather than just operating off of suspicions. Kayla, support your husband.

    in reply to: Victoria’s Kidnapper #60530

    I think Steve doubts the mob story also.

    in reply to: Victoria’s Kidnapper #60528

    I don’t think Steve is buying Constantine’s lies. He sees right thru them. He’s worried about Maggie and wants to keep an eye on her. I wonder what Constantine will do next. Will he takes Maggie’s offer to pay off his debts and go back to Greece or come up with some other scheme?

    in reply to: Victoria’s Kidnapper #60524

    So Constantine blamed the kidnapping on the Mafia since he owes them money? What a con artist. I was happy to see Maggie kick him out of the house and tell him to go back to Greece. But then she offered to pay off his debts! I hope she remembers what Steve told her he found out about Constantine while in Greece and doesn’t pay him anything.

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