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    Is Tate in any position to take it out on Holly, given that what Nicole went through, Theresa didn’t & that what Nicole went through wasn’t caused by Holly, now was it? So there’s a need for her throw Tate under the bus all because she didn’t cause as to what her mother had to go through?


    I’m not sure what you’re asking, but I think Tate has every right to be pissed. Holly is not willing to take responsibility because she doesn’t want her mom to think badly of her, but she’s willing to let Tate be locked up to keep her reputation in tact. I’d be beyond pissed.


    What I’m getting at is that Tate’s mom didn’t go through what Nicole did, now did she? I’m not saying that he has no right to be pissed, what I’m getting at is that, if he was in Holly’s shoes, he would be defending his mother, the way that Holly is, he may have every right to pissed, but what if the both of them were in the other’s shoes, Holly would every right to be pissed with Tate, but still, Tate has every right to defend his mother, right?


    She is not defending her mother, she’s lying to her mother to defend herself. It’s an excuse, just like how she faked that fainting episode in order to avoid admitting the drugs were hers. Time and time again she could take responsibility for her actions, but she has let Tate take the fall. If she had half a brain, she’d admit the drugs were hers, she’d let EJ know where she got them from and they could go to the person who sold them to her. Better yet, slimy EJ and slimier Stefan could fess up to their parts in allowing drugs to make it into Salem High. This falls on Stefan. And EJ covering for Stefan just so he can get those shares of Dimera is despicable. They are both allowing Tate to be the scapegoat.


    One more thing that seems on Holly: why doesn’t she tell everyone that Tate didn’t “break” into the DiMera mansion—- Holly let him in the window? Or did I not see that happen the other day?


    I agree, Tate has every right to be pissed at Holly. She’s scared of the consequences to herself, not how her mother might feel when she finds out. Somebody needs to point out to her that she’s making matters worse. What is Nicole going to think when she finds out the drugs were Holly’s and she lied about it and as a result sent Tate to prison. I hope Eric gets through to Holly and gets her to tell the truth.

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