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  • in reply to: Who’s perfect for Rafe? #11510

    I’ve never been a Sami fan and like her less and less as they keep writing her like a spoiled brat…again.  Maybe an FBI co-worker would be workable for Rafe.  As for Bo and Hope getting back together….never would be fine with me.  They are both at fault for their break-up.  Over the many years I’ve watched, I’ve always thought that Bo was very arrogant and conceited, while Hope was always very self-righteous and judgmental.  What he’s done with Carly really threw me a curve because I never thought that Bo would jump in the sack with her so quickly after Bope’s break up.  The writers really missed the boat on that one.

    in reply to: AI: Ouch! #11508

    David Archaletta, in a joking manner.  That’s exactly who I thought of the first time Tim sang.  He’s not bad, but he just sings the songs in a plain manner.  I did agree with Simon about the long-haird blond guy, I think it’s Casey, in that he sang well, but he sang it exactly like Huey Lewis…nothing to make himself stand out.  I liked Lee too and Michael did well.  Crystal is a local gal from my area, so I’m pulling for her; but, I do agree that she is a bit one-dimensional right now.  The judges mentioned that she needs to up the stage presence.  She said twice that she has something planned for next week, I’m anxious to see what she does.  The last girl, can’t remember her name, is a bit interesting in that you never know what she’s going to look like each week.  However, Simon was right regarding her screeching at the end of every song.  I don’t mind big endings like that, but she needs to tone it down and make it blend better with the entire song.  This year’s talent is the weakest I’ve seen in the several years that I’ve watched.

    in reply to: Sami and FED job??? #11473

    Rafe bring up her past and how the FBI would respond to that. 


    for a very brief time with Bonnie.  I remember many of us on Jenn’s old message board were horrified by the way they were writing John’s Mickey character.  We were all thinking that he must have felt the same way because he retired very soon after they put Mickey and Bonnie together.  That’s when I remember John Ingle coming in as Mickey. 


    voted for him when he was competing on the Food Network.  My heart and prayers go out to him and his family. 

    in reply to: Awesome event I was part of #11452

    Anyone would be proud to have Gary as their son!

    in reply to: Where are they going with E.J.’s feelings for Sami #11446

    in the story several years ago.  I never could quite get what some women saw in him.  However, we each have our own tastes in men.  Your mention of Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy being British peaked my curiosity, so I looked them up.  Stan (the skinny one) was British and Oliver (the plump one) was American.  I guess I always just thought of them both as American.  I’ve always enjoyed their comedy and now that you mention the physical similarity between Stan Laurel and EJ, I don’t think I’ll ever look at EJ without smiling or laughing!

    in reply to: Is Mia bad enough to be the new Sami? #11445

    that Samantha’s middle name is Gene.  If I recall from many years ago, she is named after the character Eugene Bradford.

    in reply to: Days of Our Lives Renewed #11444

    broadcast on the ABC affiliate in our town. 

    in reply to: Hans’ father has passed away. #11436

    about Hans’ dad.  It doesn’t seem like many of us old regulars visit the other two sites and I didn’t see it here before I posted.  Again, I’m sorry for jumping the gun. 

    in reply to: Thanks #11376

    My prayers are with you! 

    in reply to: Bo #11312

    Melanie.  Don’t they find it necessary to find out why she had a gun in the first place???!!! Good grief!  And it was Hope’s gun as well.  Come on, writers, get with the program!  She was shooting at someone or something and now they’re just going to let it all go.  GMAB!

    in reply to: Who leaves AI? #11311

    doing a Stones song.  It was so-so for me.    I think it’s between Tim Urban and Lacey Brown who will be going home.  I wasn’t impressed with either performance.  I also liked Crystal’s response to Simon when he kept trying to make it look like she thinks she’s got it wrapped up.  I don’t see that attitude from her at all.  It’s Simon who keeps pushing that and her response was great when she said, "I don’t think that at all. But, thank you for saying it."  You could see the reaction on Simon’s face that she read his agenda and wasn’t going to have any part of it.   Simon and Kara very often act like they know what the performer is thinking and it makes my heart happy when the performer lets them know that they’ve got it all wrong. 




    anything about him?  Was he with this Stephanie or with the first Stephanie?  Man…I’m racking my brain and can’t remember anything about him.  What was his story?

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