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    So I just watched last week’s episodes. What the heck are Kristen and Alex up to? I thought the plan was just to make Brady and Theresa think they were seeing each other. Looks like there’s a bit more going on than making someone think there’s a relationship. Not only that, seems like they did the deed multiple times and Kristen was calling Alex for more. I personally thought it was gross. Alex is bemoaning his feeling for Theresa one minute and jumping in bed with Kristen the next. And seriously, if Kristen is trying to get Brady back, that certainly not going to happen if she’s sleeping with Alex. What a mess! Can’t wait for the real writers to come back and I can’t wait for the whole Alex, Theresa, Konstantin plot to blow up.


    Yes, the Kristen and Alex story never made sense. The idea behind Kristen’s scheme was to make Brady and Teresa jealous. It did make Teresa jealous and I doubt it will affect Brady that way. I don’t know where Days is going with this.

    At least we’re supposed to get the Konstantin plot exposed at his wedding with Maggie this week and next. I wonder what will happen with Teresa, will her deception come out now too or will Konstantine keep his mouth shut.


    Konstantin is vengeful. If he’s going down, Teresa is going down. I’m guessing this is how Xander finds out he’s Victor’s son.

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