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    When an actor puts it out there, i.e. TP, with him putting it out there that he is never coming back to Days of Our Lives, you don’t put it out there at all costs that the actor had been let go. Once the actor puts it out there, you leave it there, there’s no necessity to bring up that the actor was given the axe, right? Think about it. When you hear it from the actor, there’s a need for the show go give the actor, walking papers & then make that known?????????????WTF


    The announcement I read was from TP who said he was leaving Days and soaps altogether to try different things. He wants to write a cookbook among other pursuits. I didn’t see anything about him being let go. Did you read that somewhere?


    If there is nothing indicating that he had been let go at all, & that it came from the actor himself, then wouldn’t you think that they would have to play up the story for Tony’s family to learn of his fate, I can’t see that happening if he wasn’t let go, right?


    They will need to address Tony’s absence no matter if he left on his own, which he did, or was let go. When they do it could be well into the future since he and Anna travel a lot and aren’t on the show that much anyway.


    I think Tony’s name will be in the background. Leann Huntley will probably still come on periodically and she’ll probably mention that Tony is doing something or is somewhere offscreen. So his character will still be alive and well. He just won’t be on. Also, he said in his post, “never say never.” So who knows? Maybe he will return once in a while.


    It’s a nice way for actors to leave the show and still come back for the occasional appearance.

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