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    you’ve gont some ‘splainin’ to do.  If Nicole’s baby is NOT dead (which I’m really hoping it isn’t), how are they going to stop him from moving around, in which case Nicole would know it hadn’t died.  And, if that doctor is working for Stefano (or whoever), how are they going to ultimately get the baby away from Nicole after it’s born? 

    And, if it IS dead, they’re not going to let her walk around for too many days before they induce it.  They can’t leave a dead baby in your body for more than two (I think that’s how many) days or it can cause septocemia which could kill the mother.  But they prefer for the baby to be born naturally as opposed to a c-section.  So many questions.

    So, what are we going to see happen with Nicole.  I swear, if they kill anymore babies on this show, I’m going to throw something at my TV.


    it had something to do with the pre-natal vitamins that Nicole left at the Horton house. They may have contained something to quiet the fetus.



    the vitamins a few times, so you might have something. But this is so unrealistic even for a soap. Is it still supposed to be the same day Nicole was told?


    never thought about that.  Why else bring it up?


    I don’t understand what Nicole is doing.  Why is she not telling anybody about the new doctor and how  suspicious everything was.  And the babies heartbeat!  How could she keep it a secret, expecially to Daniel.  This is ridiculous.  I can’t imagine why she is not doing everything possible to be sure the baby is allright.  Really weird. 


    still had on the same clothes, didn’t she, so it is probably the same day.



     with a dead baby in her if the baby is really dead!  Especially if as she had told the doctor earlier that the baby had been wild the night before but calm in the morning.  The doctor leaving town almost immediately snells of Stefano to me!  The nurse that was last with Nicole also didn’t call her by her own name.  Just weird!



    telling Nicole 1) her baby was dead; 2) she should prepare to have her labor induced within two days; and 3) she would call Nicole’s OB/GYN before she left and give her the results.  I didn’t see any indication or even suspect that the substitute doctor was in cahoots with Stefano or anyone else, and hope that is not the case.  I am so sick of these kidnapping/baby switch story lines.  This should be on the level, which I think we will see that it is on today’s show, unless they decide, once again, to force the ridiculously unbelievable, same old…same old…. down out throats once again.  I would hope these new writers would not take the chance of pi$$ing fans off with this repeated type of writing and story lines.  I know I would be.  If they are going to give Nicole a child, let it be through adoption or surrogacy.


    she’d send the nurse in to make the arrangements for inducing labor.  BUT, when the nurse came in, she called Nicole by a different name so it looked to me that was part of the mess up.  So, no arrangements have been made, Nicole has distroyed her records and now, who knows what’s going to happen. 

    I still don’t understand her walking around with a dead baby in her body.  Just how long does she think she’s going to be able to do that?

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