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    I really hope that someone agrees with this: the reason as to why it doesn’t matter that EJ had the ability to prevent Holly’s overdose is because she didn’t buy them then, did she? Since when do you think that the EJ that I know would allow Stefan to use that against him, or is that why of the shittiest press conference that EJ had done & because he allowed Stefan to get time-served, was it because of that? Then this, with Stefan worried about Gabi’s safety, he was in every position to protect Gabi from Clyde by letting Rafe know that Gabi’s in danger from Clyde & having him letting Sonny & Will knowing & having them to show up at any airport in their vicinity in New Zealand, therefore, there wouldn’t be any need for what Stefan has over EJ, right & that with Leo is about to squawk to EJ about Jude may prevent the blackmail that Stefan has on EJ, right? Think about that. Then there’s this, with as to why Gabi is in prison, & Wei Shin knowing why she’s there, what makes Kristen & Stefan think that Wei would welcome them back the D. Conglomorate?

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