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    Has anyone any idea why EJ was disposing of the gloves in the first place?  Didn’t he shoot into the wall instead of shooting Stefano?  Did he wear those gloves?  What was the purpose of all those people handling the other gun without gloves?


    and I think Sami did too.  He has avoided answering it so far.  I want to know also.  My thoughts on this are that the writers don’t know why he did it either and are hoping we won’t ask and will forget about it. <sigh>


    that if they were found that they would have gunshot residue on them, it makes no sense to me why he would just throw them in the trash bin and not burn them or something.  I’ve always taken that as a big boo-boo on the old writers’ part, among thousands of other …. WHAT DUH? …. scenes.


     I agree, Patti. I just couldn’t see why it is a big deal that the gloves had residue cause the Salem PD knew that EJ shot at Stefano. I also don’t understand the great mystery of throwing away the gloves and why EJ can’t explain it. Guess we will have to wait and see. 


    was that the gun that Stefano was shot with?  How could they tell if it was, or not?


    Yes, it was the gun that killed Stefano.  If was Abe’s gun.  He left it there when he found he couldn’t shoot ol’ Steffie.  Then, of course, everybody else that came in had to pick it up.  Kind of a lame storyline but it gave the cops lots of suspects to investigate and drag out the story longer.  :o)

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