Home Forums Salem Place: The Main Board Smooth move, Abby.

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    Telling Austin he had to confess their "affair" to Carrie was pretty clever.  But I don’t for the life of me understand why Austin doesn’t just tell her to butt out, that he’ll handle his marriage his own way.  He’s giving her way too much power. 

    He needs to cut all ties with her, including using her as his assistant.  So stupid, I just want to give him a good wallop along side his head.  We used to conduct a Slap Line for stupid characters on the show.  We definitely need to line up for one for Assdumb.

    And I’m getting really sick of all these puppy dog looks Rafe and Carrie are exhibiting.  They need to stay far, far away from each other.  They are sorely tempting fate.  The writers are making it appear that they both DO have feelings for each other.  I don’t know about Carrie but the way Rafe professes his love for Sami, how could he possibly be the slightest bit attracted to Carrie? 


    I agree bonbon, about Abby and Austin, he tried to cut some ties yesterday about rescheduling their schedules so they aren’t there at the same time. I agree about carrie and Austin too. They need to stay away from each other. I see the attracttion in carrie for rafe than rafe does for carrie. The minute she saw him yesterday she stripped off her jacket cause of their sweltering office. I can’t wait for Lucas to come home!!


    They don’t call him Ausdumb for nothing!


    take her up on her threats and face the music.  He is absolutely the most gullible idiot of any man on this show to let a little shit like Abbey blackmail him into this now ridiculous situation he has put himself in.  He should have known weeks ago that Abbey was crushing on him, I mean he already knew she was really hurt from Chad, and devastated by her mother and her father, and that by him giving her all of this sympathy and caring attitude, that he unwillingly led her to believe that he truly cared for her.  Then, when his world came crashing down around him, there was Little Miss Venus Flytrap, crooking her finger for him to come into her web.  Stupid, stupid man — now he’s created a monster and the only way he’s going to get away from this psycho is to challenge her head-on and, as Marlena would advise, tell Carrie what Abbey SAYS happened, that he has no memory of it, but that when he woke up, she was in her underwear, and he was fully clothed, and from there all he knows of what happened is what Abigail told him.  That might send Carrie and Austin’s relationship into a tailspin, but it sure as hell would get that little asp uncoiled and off his back.


    I like yours better MommyT!!!  ROFLMAO!!!

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