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    Now she has to go to the hospital to further fuel the fire with Nicole.  When is she going to take her nose out of it and just leave her alone.  Wasn’t her humiliation enough.  Did she actually think Nicole was going to take her in her arms and forgive her.  Someone please, knock an iota of common sense into her head.

    Again, with the exception of the scenes with Kristin and Nicole, the whole show was totally blah…TOTALLY!



    and let Nicole lay the hell in it.  What does Jen think she will accomplish by apologizing to Nikki now?  I’m guessing this will all lead into Jennifer now holding all the cards as to whether or not Nicole goes to jail.  This payback and phony apologies has to stop.  It’s like, the story is over, Jen succeeded in destroying Nicole’s hopes and dreams of getting her white knight, Daniel, even though he really loves Jen.  Like I said before, give me back my snarky, witty, vodka swilling, smart-a**, Nicole any day instead of the pathetic, love-starved, basket case I’m watching today.  I mean somebody throw this girl a bone instead of watching her continue on this path of destroying herself.  Ari deserves better.


    I think Jen is feeling guilty in her part in the Nicole breakdown and is trying to ease her conscience.  Yeah, Nicole was blatantly rubbing Daniel in Jen’s face but Jen kept harping and harping at her and butting her nose in her business where it didn’t belong.


    the point where Jen admitted she couldn’t save Jack so she tried to save Daniel. This would be something to tackle in counseling – at least it would give her excessive behavior a bit of cause. They could go into the fact that Jen never really grieved (at least that the viewer saw) over her loss and also a substantial guilt may have built up leading to her uncharacteristic actions.


    so many times, maybe she’s done grieving.  :o)


    I don’t know anything about the condition that made the baby die, but doesn’t your body do all kinds of stuff if you’re under as much stress as Jennifer was putting on Nicole?  If that was my situation, I would TOTALLY blame Jennifer for my baby’s death.  And Daniel’s desperation to get to the truth–the only purpose for that was so he could be with Jennifer.  I say let Mr. Mumbles and Ms. Shrew-face have each other!


     I agree with you. Jen had finally gotten Jack back. She made her choice leaving Daniel and returning to her husband. Then he dies. How long has it been–a minute and and half? 

    No, she didn’t grieve she moved on to Daniel. I cannot understand how a person could move on that quickly. Whether or not she has been through it before (Jack did disappear many times). This one was real!! It was as if she thought "well, jack is gone, so I guess I will move on with Daniel."  

    I have lost much respect for Jen because of this situation cause I do believe that harassing Nicole certainly caused stress in her life. It is led to the baby’s death, I am not sure. However, I think that jen should feel guilty for being so mean and vindictive!!!


    more annoying than Jen right now is Jen when she was bouncing back and forth between Daniel and Jack.


    Nico le was so jealous of Jen that she brought a lot of her own stress on herself.  I remember when she looked at the picture of Jen and threw it to the floor and it shattered.  I’ve wondered what Jen thought when she saw it on the floor.  That’s when I woud have told Nicole it was time to leave.


    And how annoying was it for everyone to expect Nicole to bow down at the alter of Jennifer and thank her from the bottom of her heart (sarcasm included!) for not pressing charges and giving Nicole her life back!  At least Hope had the decency to squirm and apologize(sort of) after Nicole yelled at her about losing her baby and losing Daniel and really, losing everything.  It’s sad–Jennifer used to be one of my favorites and now I often fast forward her scenes because I can’t stand the martyr that she has become–completely unrecognizable to me.


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