Home Forums The Brady Pub Preemption on Jan. 21

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    Days will be pre-empted on Monday January 21 due to the presidential inauguration.


    Just to piss off us Days watchers.  :o)


    Pretty much all the channels will cover it. However, ABC will have coverage off and on throughout the day, as will NBC, CNBC, CSPAN, MSNBC, Fox News Channel, etc. will have much coverage throughout the day.  I believe it will even be on the History channel.  Again, don’t know why it has to be broadcast on all channels; but, it is history in the making and that’s what they do with any historical event.

    GOD BLESS AMERICA and my congratulations and best wishes to President Barack Obama!  You’ll need it with this congress.  On a side note, I wonder how many would be so disinterested, or even blatantly disrespectful, if it were Romney being inaugurated.  Hmmm, Yeah, that’s what I thought.




     Wow Patti.  We get it that you like Obama.  Some of us have a different opinion of him.  Just respect that.  Every once in a while you get so pissy at others on the board when they don’t agree with you.  I love reading your posts! but not when you bash others on political things.  People are allowed to voice their opinions on things even if they disagree with you, but it’s not cool to bash others for their views.  And for the record, I voted for Romney and I still wouldn’t watch the inauguration if he were elected but if I wanted to, that would be perfectly okay.  You just can’t help who you like.

    I understand the stations carrying the inauguration.  But, when Days gets interrupted 4 days in a week for non-emergency things, I get mad.  Obama happened to do it on my station last week but I would have been equally mad if it was Romney or anybody else or if it was for any other non-urgent news. 


    especially when I respect the poster, as I do you.  I just don’t see anyone else respecting this man, so since I am a democrat and I did vote for him, I feel I have the right to defend him when he’s being ridiculed or bashed.  Sorry, didn’t mean to imply that I don’t erspect other’s political choice, but I have seen some pretty horrible things said about the President.  JMO.

    Just another reason why politics and/or religion shouldn’t be discussed on a soap opera message board, I guess.  Again, I apologize to you!


    Don’t be so defensive. 

    No, I probably wouldn’t watch no matter who was being inagurated.  I’d rather watch Days.  I find it to be an excessive waste of money, especially for a second term…again, no matter who.  They should all be done like LBJ’s, put your hand on the Bible and repeat after the Cheif Justice.  Then, go home and get to work.


    I just feel like sometimes the President is like Sami on this board — a target for bashing!!!  I try so damn hard not to respond to political posts — and this is why!


     Thanks Patti.  I appreciate that!  I see your point on politics.  It can upset people.  I am neither Republican or Democrat.  I don’t vote party– I vote issues and even then, they just say what they want to get our vote.  I don’t put much stock in pols. as I really don’t think they care or have our best interest at heart.  And I could have said a lot more in my few past political posts (and I’ve never written anything terrible at all) about certain politicians, but I refrain out of respect for others opinions.  With that said, thanks for your response and I really do love reading your Days’ posts! 


    to get bashed, Democrat OR Republican.  Nor will he be the last.  That is probably the most thankless job in the world and there isn’t enough money in the world that would have me do it.


    I just heard the other day that Obama’s swearing in on innaugeration is a formality since he’ll actually be sworn in the day before.  Something about not having a president in office.  From what I read, the constitution mandates the innaugeration is on January 20th so he and Biden will be sworn in in private on Sunday and at the ceremony on Monday.  Having 2 innaugerations is something very few presidents have gotten to do and Regan was the last one.


    that the excesses of inaugeration (particularly a second term) should be way toned down I did find the inaugeral ceremony itself including the patriotic songs and poem quite stirring. Beyonce and Kelly Clarkson did a bangup job.
    While I am not an Obama person, I do have respect for the presidential office and in that light I believe it is a traditional historic event that should be televised. Even over Days.


     Patti, there are times when I enjoy your posts, and sometimes I get annoyed with them . However, in this case, I am in complete agreement with you. There are some posters on this site that have made it very clear that they do not care for President Obama. They have also made it clear that they do not respect him as the leader of our country. But I really hope that they would respect the Office of the President. As Bonbon stated it is a tough job. I think that  it is the toughest, because no matter he does everyone will have opinion.  He needs our support as he tries to lead out nation. The people spoke in November. It is time to let it go, sp he can do his job.

    To Bonbon, while I often enjoy your posts and respect your right to your opinion, you have always been vocal in your dislike for the President, so I really don’t feel it was a joke. I am not sure if you were hoping for a discussion or just wanted to have others join in the bashing. Either way maybe some subjects should be off limits.

    Everyone is entitled to an opinion, and everyone can like or dislike anyone. But I feel that there must be respect for the office. I never cared to George W. Bush, but I would never personallly criticize him. 


    I agree.  You can dislike the MAN in office but you should always have respect for the title and office they’re in.  Then think in 4 years you get the chance to voice your opnion again. 


     But it was mostly in jest.  I have great respect for the office but, unfortunately, I perceive Obama as phony.  Sorry, I can’t help it.  I didn’t much like Clinton but I thought he was doing what was best for the country.  I feel that Obama is more self-serving and I honestly don’t feel he would have been elected if he had been white (well, all white).  And don’t cry racist because I think both Powell and Rice would have been elected also if they chose to run mainly because they would get the minorities out to vote.

    I am not disrespecting the office nor the opinions of anyone here, I am merely stating MY opinion and if others can’t respect that then that is THEIR problem.


     Thank you for putting that so tactfully.  I don’t possess that quality.  :o(

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