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    She shouldn’t have given in and admitted she knew the baby was dead.  She should have kept on insisting he wasn’t and they would start to think the news she got was so horrible that she refused to accept it and actually believed he was still okay.  I thought for a minute that was how it was going to play out.

    But, I’ll say this, she had me in tears today.  She really played that part well.  Just think, how can a character do something as dispicable as she did and we still feel sorry for her?

    Actually, I think everybody did a good job today.  It’s just too bad we have to wait a month to get 15 minutes of worthwhile programming.


    Totally agree with you bonbon! I thought that too, she would say that the baby was still alive. I bet she winds up in the hospital for a while since she’s threatening to kill herself. She’s one great actress!


    Ari sure didn’t. What a tour de force performance. That woman can act her socks off!


     Nicole had a really good case to believe her baby was still alive. She was not shown the ultrasound at all. The machines were not working. It could have made her feel that the doctor was trying to trick her into believing the baby had died.  I still feel that she was in a state of denial due to guilt which is totally understandable.


    she has certainly been delivering some stellar performances lately.  I hope the show realizes what they have in her.

    I don’t know what’s going to happen to her now but I’m thinking it will have something to do with Eric when he comes back.  Does she still care for him?  He was really her first true love and she was deeply hurt when he left her for Gretta.


    I really felt sorry for Nicole today during the scene at the Horton house and was thinking that with all that she has had to face with her "baby" tragedies, it’s no wonder that she did what she did, whether in denial or just not believing the doctor. And, Jennifer really has been annoying to the nth degree, so I had some sort of understanding when Nicole kept saying she hated Jennifer.  


    Ari should definitely nominate herself for a daytime Emmy for this performance. Fabulous acting.


    there was no way Daniel was going to allow her to continue with the lying.  I’m just glad that E.J. was there, since he obviously had plans to arrange an "accident" for Daniel and Nicole in Hawaii.  But I don’t doubt for a second that he will, at some point, seek revenge since, after all, it was his child.


    Nicole is an awsome actress. You can just feel her pain. I know alot of people don’t like Nicole and thinks she is getting just what she deserves. But, I don’t care how much you don’t like her, she has been through hell and back. Even mean people don’t deserve what she has been through. She has really been awful to Jen, but the writers have made dislike Jen instead of Nicole! For the life of me I can not like Jennifer and she used to be one of my favorite charaters. This may sound crazy, but I would like to see Jennifer be compassinate toward Nicole and realize that she is on the edge and, not matter what happened between them, Nicole needs someone to be there for her. I would like for Jen to step up and be that person. When Nicole was talking to Rafe about losing the baby and that it had happend twice, I just wanted Jen to go hug her!!!!LOL!!! I guess I just feel sorry for Nicole!!


     I think that Jen has been as mean and cruel to Nicole. She invited Nicole into her home and then continually fought with her. She also was on a mission to "prove" to Daniel that he was making a mistake. I really disliked Jen in this SL because she was convinced that she needed to "save" Daniel from  this terrible person. Even after Daniel told her to stay out of it, she continued and tried to get Maggie on her side (which wasn’t hard since she tries to run everyone’s life).  

    Since Nicole had a high risk pregnancy, Jen did cause stress on her that could have affected the baby. Then she threw her out of the house. For someon wholost her husband less than a month before whe was way too involved with Daniel.

    I would say that Jen hated Nicole just as much.


     I wrote something similar on another thread, laysea.  I really like Nicole (most of the time anyway) and do not care much for Jenn right now.  I know Nicole has done some awful things in her past, but so have a lot of other characters and I guess you just can’t help who you like.


    I agree. Jennifer used to be one of my favorite characters, and I loved the supercouple of Jack and Jenn. And I was so excited to have them return. But then they killed off Jack! But I digress. Anyway, I know Nicole has done depsicable things, but she is a great character and has moments of goodness that show through. I couldn’t help but sympathize with her over losing 2 babies now, and I absolutely loved how gentle Rafe was with her – talking softly and hugging her. Abby was downright cruel spouting off over and over about her dead baby. Jen should have slapped her. And Jen has been relentless in her jealousy and anger towards Nicole. Yes Nicole rubbed it in about Daniel whenever she could, but that was more out of protection mode, for her own security. Jen was just being possessive and vindictive. Even though Nicole lied and manipulated, I still think they need to be a little more sensitive about her loss. Everyone blames Jennifer’s erratic behavior on her losing Jack, and offer her sympathy and understanding. Why not the same for Nicole? 


    I have grown to really dislike Jennifer because of this storyline.  She was horribly mean, spiteful and sticking her nose into something what was absolutely none of her business.  In most cases, Nicole was just fighting back.  I thought some of the conversations/arguments she had with Nicole were dispicable.

    Same with Abby.  I thought for a minute Daniel was going to tell her to shut up, which would have been completely called for and I wish he had.  She was way out of line.

    They have always written Nicole with a deep-down goodness that always seems to get corrupted because things happening to her, i.e. her father forcing her into porno, losing Eric, losing a baby, losing Brady, lsoing EJ, losing another baby plus a lot more I’m sure I’ve forgotten, none of which was through any fault of hers.  No, I’m not justifying them, I’m just saying I can understand a lot of things she has done.  It takes a really good actress to pull that off.


    nicole dumped eric for money, then when she tried to make up, he said no thank you.


    left her for Greta but, not that you mention it, it may have been the other way around.

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