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    I can’t see Constantine using that card to program John to kill Maggie, in order for him to get the Kiriakis fortune, because with it being too well known by John, Maggie, Marlena of the Pawn Story that Victor was behind, with Maggie knowing that about Victor & what he had John to do when he was the Pawn, do you really think that with her knowing that, that she would be willing to marry Constantine & that it would tip her off that he’s about to program John to kill her, given that she was rather curious & acted like, “Good, now I know about Constantine’s Achilles Heel” playing up lulling him into a false sense of security?


    I don’t think Constantine is going to have John kill Maggie. Are you speculating or did you read it in a spoiler? I do think he has some other plans for John to either get him killed or do harm to a family member of his. Perhaps Marlena or Jude.

    I can’t believe Maggie is being so naive to offer to marry this guy when she doesn’t know anything about him other than what he has told her. I hope she gets a prenup agreement and makes sure he’s not in her will.


    I’m only reading the daily synopsis, but I can’t believe Maggie is so damn stupid. Why didn’t she just say, ok Konstantin. I’ll catch you on the flip side or don’t let the door hit you on the butt on your way out. Maggie just looks pathetic.


    If Constantine isn’t going to have John kill Maggie, then what’s the point of Thomas giving Konstantine his card back, it’s just like when Thomas unknowingly handing the murder weapon, the one that killed his mommy with, to Leo. I find it a little odd that they are heading in that direction yet again, meaning, giving Konstantine his card back when we have seen him using to program John, a while back, right?


    It’s possible he would try to have Maggie killed but I think he has specific plans that will hurt John directly.

    Maggie does look pathetic. It’s time for Teresa to step up and tell her what a con artist Konstantin is. If she lets this wedding happen, assuming she knows about it, that will rank as one of the worst things Teresa has done.


    But I have a feeling that Theresa is going expose all & get immunity by agreeing to take Konstantine down as well. Remember, with how Theresa had strength, took responsibility & told her son the truth as to why Brady wasn’t in his life, I can see her getting immunity, because as to how she was with Andrew, when he had discovered that she was behind Victoria’s abduction & how she was with her son & also what she subjected to herself to i.e. bodily harm just because where Tate was sent to. She wouldn’t dare demonizing herself to her son, now would she, given that she inflicted bodily harm on herself, now didn’t she?

    When the letter & the Will was sent to Greece, I can’t see her tampering it, because if she had, they would have shown to the viewers that she did, the way they had shown to the viewers, the conspirators in getting what they needed by setting the trap so the perception of the photos showed Sonny having relations with Leo in the office, right?

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