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    So what about yesterday when Sami finally confronted Marlena about her absence from her life as of late?  Sami finally listed all the things we have been talking about, her wedding to Rafe, Grace’s death, and Sydney’s kidnapping.  Marlena had nothing to say in response.  Sorry Marlena fans but I am 100% with Sami on this one and that girl drives me nuts most of the time.  Marlena just kept changing the subject.  Can’t believe no one is talking about this.  I thought the scene was great.


    and was glad someone finally brought up all of those instances of Marlena’s being AWOL. To me, Marlena DOES always put John first, and yet she always presents herself as such a caring mother–one who is so targeted by Sami. Don’t get me wrong–there are plenty of things I don’t like that Sami does, but on this one subject, I agree with Sami.


    I wanted to but the writers would not bring me back.   Serioiusly we said all along they should at least mention them when they are gone or talk to them on the phone. 



    actually my favorite part was when Sami asked where Marlena was when Johnny was missing – you could tell Marlena was biting her tongue and really wanted to say "where were YOU Sami? having sex with EJ?!" LOL


    to see them writing something negative about St. Marlena.  She has always been so above approach in everything.  Even though we know why she wasn’t at those events (being off the show), everything Sami said was very true.  If they wanted to keep her personnae pristine, they should have at least given her some kind of excuse why she couldn’t be there.  Although, I can’t imagine ANY plausible excuse for not being there when Grace died.


    I fault the writers for not at least  including phone calls at various times to keep the character involved in the story line.  Of course, when you change writers as often as Days does and none of them seem to stick to any sense of the history of the show, continuity will always suffer. 


    whether it’s a continuity issue; a storyline issue; or even neglecting to follow history, especially when it’s decided to SORAS a character.  I’m beginning to realize that these new writers are the worst yet when it comes to following some simple guidelines for writing a successful soap opera.

    As for Marlena, I could not agree more in that Sami is absolutely right when she gets on Marlena about being there for her (Sami) in her time of need.  It’s not all Sami’s fault that she’s the way she is.  She has some definite reasons to be p.o.’d at Marlena and John, and sometimes it’s just too late to say I’m sorry, on either side, when the hurt goes that deep.  I’m afraid that’s why Will can’t discuss his problems with his mother, and vice-versa — they should both be as straight with each other (mother and son) as they are demanding everyone should be with them.  JMO.


    isn’t time that Sami tries to put her anger aside and mend fences with Marlena.  After all, she is her mother.  It seems to me that I wouldn’t want to shut out my family (and John is every much her father as Roman is) completely.  I thought after Johnny was found and John acquited that they had made amends.  Apparently not.  Of course, what drama would we have if they did.

    The thing I’m most disgusted about now is this "thing" between Rafe and Carrie.  They supposedly love their spouses so much, how can they possibly be attracted (even if it’s only physical) to anybody else?


    Marlena knows she did wrong by Sami; she’s admitted it over and over, but she is now at last making the effort to mend fences with her daughter.  Sami is still in her me…me…me…phase, but I have a feeling she will finally begin to see the light when she realizes that everyone in Salem will know her son is gay except for her, because she is as blind to Will’s needs as she feels Marlena was/is to hers.  Good story, though, and acted beautifully by all.


    really sincere when she was making nice-nice with Marlena, or when John was acquited, or made "peace" with Carrie and buried the hatchet (or would have liked to in their backs) Sami was hugging one and all – wasn’t she rolling her eyes as she was hugging every one? 

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