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    I wondered why Hope and Ciera were still living at Jenn’s and why they hadn’t moved back home yet. In fact, why were they still there? Andre is in jail and Dr. Whozits is dead.

    Now, as to Ciera and Theo…are they going to try to make this a romantic couple? I don’t think that would be very realistic. I’ll admit my ignorance toward autism but it seems to me that most autistics don’t handle romantic relationships very well. Can someone fill me in?

    Also, I don’t believe IRL Theo would have punched that guy. Again, that just doesn’t suit an autistic personality as they are typically not violent towards others.


     that persons with autism, regardless of age, did not like to be touched or maybe just held, but I, too, could be completely wrong.  Some may believe it is like a security blanket for them.  Just don’t know enough about it, admittedly.


    They seem to be able to "cure" people with Autism on t.v. shows.  Theo went from not being able to communicate at all to being a little awkward around other teenagers.   It doesn’t work that way.  It cracks me up every time he has a conversation about his feelings for Ciara.  Maybe the writers would like to come to my house and work that magic "cure" on my 30-year-old!




    Scarlett – I know where you’re at…mine SOS (son on spectrum) is 37…but he talks all the damn time.  He can get aggressive and violent…we’ve called the police on him and paramedics.  We’re not proud of the fact, but we’re in our 60’s and can’t handle it.  His older brother took him down one night recently, but it was a de-escalation thing.  The violence is a by-product of their own frustration…not understtanding something, not communicating well, over-stimulation…sometimes just not feeling well.  I hope they don’t white-wash Theo’s autism.  It’d be a great disservice to the real concern.


     There is a wide range of the autism spectrum. I believe that the intense early intervention helpd Theo achieve a high functioning form, almost like Asperger’s. 

    They are capable of being touched, having strong feelings for someone and being physical. It depends upon his unique disability. 

    Again with the early intense intervention that he had, he achieved a high functioning level of mild autism. 

    As for still living at Jen’s I thought it was vbecause the damage at the house didn’t allow them to live there.

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