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    Lexie was not a saint by any means, but she has been portrayed almost as one.  She cheated on Abe more than once and she tried to keep Zack away from Bo and Hope.  There was probably more things that I don’t remember watching.Tom and Alice Horton didn’t get near the amount of coverage of their deaths as Lexie has gotten.  I know a lot of people really liked Lexie and I’m not trying to bash her, but it seemed over the top with the length of time they gave to her. 


    Yes, it was a nice send-off for Lexie but, frankily, I found it quite boring.  Instead of the eulogies, I would rather have seen more of the "old" scenes of Lexie.

    BTW, anybody notice how Abe’s hairline is beginning to recede after seeing him as a younger man?  It’s funny how black men seem to lose their hair like that (creeping back from the font) and white men’s hair thins out first.  Not always but mostly.  I wonder why that is.


    Lexi wasn’t a saint, true, but neither was Abe.  How soon we forget that Abe cheated on Lexi with Faye, and the Zach baby switch has long been forgiven by both Bo and Hope, which has been brought up countless times by Lexi.  It was even brought up again at the memorial service yesterday and, ONCE AGAIN, BO AND HOPE reminded  Abe that they had forgiven Lexi for it a long, long, long time ago.  The fact that Alice Horton didn’t get a proper funeral or memorial pissed me off too, but that was the show’s fault.  They did show a lot of Tom and Alice flashbacks, though, which is about as well as you can do when the budget was probably a lot tighter then.  It doesn’t mean that Lexi (RJ) DIDN’T deserve one.  What should have been said is that a beautiful, talented, twenty-year veteran actress, Renee Jones, got the kind of send-off that Frances Reid deserved, so boo to the powers that be in Frances’ case, but great job, DOOL, and well done with Renee’s.

    Everything about yesterday’s show was moving and beautifully done, from the set decorations to the Abe/Theo/Lexi montages, (I saw plenty of old flashbacks, from the Pacifier to the Queen of Hearts, to Lexi as a police officer, her marriage to Abe, the revealing her pregnancy to Abe, the birth and early years of Theo, and they went on and on and on, with lots of love and kissing between Abe and Lexi) as well as to many of the current actors portraying their genuine love and respect for a dearly beloved wife, mother, sister, daughter and dearest friend, Dr. Lexi Carver.  So I say, "To Whom It May Concern:  Kudos, DOOL —- you got this one right.  This is the way the vets should be honored when they leave."

    MY one and only complaint:  This service was held at Chez Rouge; so where in the hell was Maggie?  Oh, and Bon, the things you notice about an actor’s physical features never cease to amaze me.  LOL! 


    they were gathering there after the service.  There was a quick comment to that effect and that it was Lexie’s wish they all get together afterwords.

    And I still thought the whole show was boring.  TEHO  (I don’t know if that’s a standard abbreviation or not but it stands for "To Each His Own.")


    the gathering, which some referred to as the service where they paid tribute to Lexi, was held at Chez Rouge; but, absolutely, TEHO.


    I didn’t think Abe cheated on Lexi with Faye, I thought that happened before he and Lexi got together and the result was Brandon.  I know they reconnected again when Brandon was on but if I remember it was friendship and that was all.


    because they just said they were married 20 years and Brandon is much older than that.


    I felt as if it was a little much for a character who has a somewhat checkered past.


    either way about Lexie, I think it was done more for Renee than anything.  There wasn’t much they could do for the actor so they had to honor the character. 

    I thought Renee deserved such a fanfair after appearing on the show for 20 years.  I just didn’t care much for they way it was done.  I thought it was uninteresting at best.  I would rather have seen more flasbacks of both good and bad Lexie, showing highlights of Renee’s career instead of  "Lexie’s life."  But, I understand, they were honoring the character after her death so had to do what they did.  Oh, well!  JMO


    as the service.  At least that’s what it’s called at our church. 

    The gathering, which was done at the restaurant, has often been referred to as a celebration/rememberance of one’s life, or, in my family, the not-often-enough-get-together-of-all-the-far-flung-relatives-to-remember-the-life-and-times-of-the-one-who-just-passed!  Also, to eat, drink and have a good time.


    I started crying when they all started dancing and didn’t stop till the end. No matter what these characters pasts are like, they all deserve a nice send off, and this was nice, considering the others that didn’t even have one onscreen. 



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