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    and put an end to this ill-conceived dating game. Although wasn’t he the one who came up with it?
    If it were up to Jennifer I doubt she’d ever end it!


    ever hurt anyone, she would just string these boys along forever.  This way she was having her cake and eating it too…I am surprised that two grown men would ever consider what these three having been doing for months.  Only in Hollyweird!  Only in Hollyweird.


    I agree on all points.   I’m so glad that Daniel finally said ‘enough of this’ and ended it.  It went on much longer than it should have.  JMHO



    though I really think Daniel should have bowed out long ago–like the minute Jack came home.


    After Daniel left and Jen closed the door, I actually had tears in my eyes.

    I could relate to Jen a teensy bit.  When I was dating my 2nd DH, I was also seeing another guy from before I met DH.  And, yes, they both knew about each other.  After about amonth, my soon-to-be DH gave me an ultimatum…"him or me."  As simple as that.  This was early in our relationship and I really cared (not loved yet) for both.  But I made the decision.  I have often wondered what would have happened if I’d chosen the other guy.

    So, much like Jen, I don’t know when I would have made the choice had not DH force my hand.  And it was not that I was stringing them along, I just couldn’t make up my mind.

    A similar thing happened to a woman I worked with once.  She and her DH had separated and he started dating someone else.  (Men seem to do that more readily then women.)  After about a year they started "dating" again and she wanted to get back together with him but he couldn’t make  a choice.  But she did the same thing as my DH and gave him the ultimatum.  He picked her and they’ve been happy ever after…some 20 years and two kids later.


    from the start.  He knew Jennifer was extremely upset over Jack’s disappearance, as well as Abbey, and, even more importantly, he knew how much Jennifer loved Jack and still he let himself get involved.  He knew their history, and maybe Abbey’s rejection of Jack had something to do with Daniel believing it could work for them …… as long as Jack stayed away.  I did love Daniel’s line yesterday …… "I won’t be bachelor No. 2" ….. good for you Daniel.  But then you came out with "I never thought I would ever find love after Chloe" ….. well, what did it take you …. all of about a month?  And then there’s Jennifer, who’s conflicted.  Well then, all I can suggest is YOU should have been the one to walk away from Daniel instead of hanging on to both of them, as undecided now as you were when you all started this silly dating game.  I’ve lost a lot of respect for Jennifer since this storyline came on, and I would be perfectly okay with Jack finding someone else who would not have to keep him dangling on a string while he is being ‘considered.’  Hmmmmmm…… Billie???


    I think it would be great if Jack decided he couldn’t be with Jennifer until his demons from Afghanistan are gone. Then Jennifer would have no man in her life and it would be her fault because of her indecisiveness. 


     It is confusing me—what does DH stand for?


    dh = dear husband  (dd = dear daughter, ds = dear son, etc.)- not totally sure, but I think that is correct.


     That’s correct. 

    BIL= brother-in-law, SIL= sister-in-llaw  MIL= mother-in-law…etc…


    in blaming Daniel for his situation.  You don’t control those things, they just happen, often, in spite of your good intentions.  Just listening to Abby yesterday was a good example.  I’m sure she didn’t want to "fall for" a married man, much older than she, but sometimes, that nasty old Cupid plays mean tricks on people.

    Now I’m wondering if Jen will go directly back to Jack because she has no valid reasoning not to.  She says she still loves him and there’s no Daniel in the way.  If not, then she needs to understand that Daniel is the one she should have chosen.

    I’m thinking that if Daniel is going to be out of the picture for a while, their relationship is probably doomed permanently.  That’s a shame because I really like them as a couple.


     thanks, I was thinking dead husband, divorced husband,

    I am glad it is dear. also devoted would be good.


    i dont think she’ll go directly back to Jack.  She mentioned yesterday about going and talking to Marlena.  Funny,  werent there any thereapists in salem before or after Marlena? except for the one who helped Carly in Rehab.  And what about Nicolas,  is he supposed to come back??


    I think he did the right thing for his own good.  He’s got enough to worry about in his future without Jennifer running through a swinging door, wanting to have her cake and eat it too.  She’s the one who needs Marlena, and she certainly isn’t helping either Jack or Daniel, let alone herself.  I’m telling you, she is hurting both of them more than helping them with her indecisiveness, and constantly keeping both of them hanging on.  I’m happy Daniel made the decision he did, if he even sticks to it under this silly arrangement, that is.


    for Daniel when he explained to Jennifer.  He didn’t hemhaw and beat around the bush.  At one point, he even kept her from interrupting him.  I’m not a big Jennifer fan and didn’t like this situation from the beginning.  For me, she was just playing both guys until something would happen to help her decide what to do. 

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