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    My memory needs jogging…  Did Will actually try to kill EJ?  My memory says it was Sami who found EJ in a state of trying to kill himself and just helped him out a bit.  I remember them trying to blame Will, but I thought that was disproved with a fingerprint or something…

    Also, I don’t remember Will’s father (It’s Lucas, right?) ever being blamed for it.  Was he even in the show when that happened?

    My last question…  When EJ mentioned Will’s grandmother and his deepest, darkest secret, I figured it was something else (I guess that’s a spoiler on this board) , but then back from commercial it seems like that was not what he was talking about after all…

    I’ve often wondered if each writer takes one segment and then passes it to another for after the commercial break…  Sometimes they don’t seem to meld.  :)


    was when he forced Sami to marry him (remember, she wore a black wedding gown), and when shots rang out in the church, E.J. was hit.  At first no one knew who did it, because they showed several people with guns drawn.  It could have been anyone, but turns out it was Will.  Lucas found the gun in a dresser drawer and, after realizing it was Will who shot E.J., sent Will to live in Switzerland with Carrie and Austin and took the blame and went to jail for it.


     able to get off easier than Lucas did. Plus it seems like he may not have even known he did it.  Time for Aunt Carrie and Step-Dad Rafe to help him out?


     Patti – Holy cow!  I barely remember that!  How many times has EJ been shot?  :)


    still has 7 lives left, since Will and Sami both shot him, but I’m sure he’ll have Rafe gunning for him at some point.


    Don’t forget he also took that beating from Brady that had him at death’s door.


     I thought that there was speculation that Will did it, but never comfirmed. There were several potential shooters including Will, Roman and Lucas.


    found in the shake; but Lucas knew it was Will, and sent him away.  I still don’t know why he felt he had to messenger the gun back to himself at his apartment.  Anyone know what the purpose behind that was?  Did he just want to have the gun out of the apartment until Will was out of town …. I don’t know why he did that, but I do recall him doing it.


     I really, really did not like Will in this scenerio. I do not think the actor did that great of a job trying to pull this off. Or, the other altenative is that Will seemed so bad at playing the blackmailer because it is not in his character to stoop so low, and the actor actually did a great job portraying how bad Will is at being bad. Make sense?


    That scene showed how Will was way in over his head. Just the fact he thought he could trot over to EJ’s and make this demand shows that not is he not made of the same ugly stuff, but he is emotionally wrought right now and putty in EJ’s hands.


     telling Sami about her being in the church with a gun, hearing a shot, and accidently her gun went off but she was pretty sure she wasn’t the one to shoot EJ but wished she had.  She even turned her gun into Roman for testing.  


    just go ask EJ for money? EJ is weird enough to pay Will to leave Salem. Will wouldn’t even have had to let on that he knew, just tell EJ he needs money to leave and get out of everyone’s (EJ’s) hair.


    I have a feeling that even if he did that EJ would find a way to make him have to pay for it.  EJ’s only generous when it suits his needs and he can get something out of it.


    you are absolutely right. Either way, Will’s goose is cooked. Wonder how long this will last. Does anyone know the end game of this forced servitude?

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