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    All of that beer drinking at the party was so that Rafe could explain away his roughness with Sami.  And then she could chastise him for drinking beer and taking drugs.  I hate this stupid storyline.  And one other question, did the actress who plays Carrie always have such a huge bustline or was it the shirt she was wearing that accentuated it? 


     had a baby not that long ago and may still be nursing her (?), it could be larger than usual?


    is Carrie coming back to Salem?


    saying she is but I’d think because we saw her yesterday, she’s not going to just appear for one scene like that.  I’m thinking she’ll come home to help Sami out.


     was her big return, they should have saved their money.  The whole scene between Carrie and Sami, on the phone, no less, was useless if she’s not returning to Salem, IMO.


    Carrie and Sami seemed genuine and heartfelt.  They were at each others throats for so many years, (Sami’s fault as usual), that since they made up the last time Carrie was in town, I would like to see more of them being civil to each other and goodness knows Sami could use someone to lean on besides her current man (oh, come on, do you really think this Rafe/Sami thing is going to last forever and forever???   and they both ride off into the sunset – Not going to happen. – Can’t happen.  It’s Sami we are talking about here).  Sami is so messed up, that I think only a sister (or her Mother), could understand the real Sami. 

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