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    On Friday’s show EJ and others referred to Gabi as being convicted of murder. When did this conviction happen? There was no trial. The last thing mentioned as to why Gabi was in jail was because EJ put her there since she was found holding the knife over Li Shin’s body. Did I miss something or was there a trial after that?

    I think this is poor writing. Just skim over the actual conviction to get to the Clyde threats to Gabi so Stefan will move his drugs. Pathetic.


    The reason as to why Gabi was convicted was because CB left the show & that she was moving to Florida. Look at it this way, when CM & ZT were let go, they put the story in motion for Will had gotten a movie job in New Zealand & this was back when Kate, Kayla & Marlena was abducted by Megan & Will had met up with Sonny in the Square & they went Down Under, as it were, with Will still in his tux. So the question that I have is this with them having Cherie Jiminez playing the new Gabi & given that she’s no CB, as it were, she isn’t exactly going to stay amongst the living, especially given that they put Will’s murder in place because GW wasn’t CM, now was he?


    I have heard that said twice in the last few days. We never heard of Gabi being convicted. She wasn’t convicted of diddly. She was arrested. She didn’t plead guilty they just hauled her off to jail and that was the last we heard. Who was her lawyer, where was her representation? I don’t care if Camilla Banus left or not, but the character of Gabi was not given due process.


    Days was just pushing the “convicted” angle to move their convoluted Clyde/Stefan/Ava drug story along. It’s almost as if they wrote themselves into a corner by having her sit in jail for so long without due process that they decided to just start saying she was convicted. This is pathetic storytelling. CB leaving is not an excuse.


    I agree 100% with you, @doolfan. I think there are going to be a lot of storylines that were poorly executed during the writers’ strike that’s going to have to be rectified quickly. This Gabi storyline, the baby stealing storyline, the Everett connection to the Hortons, Konstantin, Teresa, Alex, and Xander storyline. We also have a need for Xander to be cleared of suspicion for shooting Harris, but how do they do that without putting Stefan in prison as soon as Gabi gets out?


    that is if Gabi gets out of prison, given that Stefan wants to allow Clyde to have his wife murdered by his prison minions, if he gets wind that his bloodied book has Gil’s prints on it & yet, not once are we seeing as to how who put Gil’s prints on it, now have we? Then they think that Li’s murder case can be reopened, given that not once have they proven who handled the weapon at the time of the murder, all because Gabi’s prints ended up on it after the murder. To me, both Gabi & Stefan have motive to kill Li, because when Gabi was at the door when Li made the call to Stefan that his shares were phoney, Gabi enters, she picks up the knife & stabs Li in the back with it. Then when Stefan shows up to find his wife with the knife in her hand, he sees her being taken into custody, he covers for his wife by leaving Gil’s prints all over the book belonging to Clyde, takes it away from the crime scene so Harris can find it, therefore, once they learn that Gil’s prints are on the book. Stefan breathes a sigh of relief by saying to himself: ” Thank God, they bought it, none of them know that my wife & I murdered Li.”


    Gabi didn’t kill Li. I think you’d have a better suspect in Ava. She killed Gil after Li was murdered. Who’s to say she didn’t have the book the whole time and then put Li’s blood on it along with Gil’s fingerprint, afterward. I still don’t think that’s the case, but I also don’t think it’s going to be so easy as Gil killed Li. And for all we know, Li isn’t really dead. Maybe Dr. Rolf “killed” him, only to bring him back to life in the future. This is Days. Unless someone dies i real life, they usually aren’t permanently dead.


    Gabi didn’t kill Li. I’m also not sure he’s dead. After all, this is Days where people have a way of not staying “dead”. The point that bothers me though, is if this is a Li and Dr Rolfe scheme, it’s awful that Li put his parents and Wendi through so much pain. Maybe EJ was in on it also to keep Gabi and Stefan from taking over DiMera.
    I just hope this story is wrapped up very soon with a reasonable ending and not another one where the temporary writers wrote themselves into a corner again.


    But is Li, Will Horton, is Li, Stefano: AKA: The Phoenix, is Li belonging to The Hortons, The Brady’s, The Kiriakis’, The DiMeras, The Johnsons: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t see EJ being behind it either given that given that he was D.A. at the time, do you really think that they will allow the D.A. to be at the crime scene, then this: do you really think that Li would put his sister & their parents through this? Then this: If he really isn’t dead at all & he’s not staying that way, I kind of doubt that it would be written to have the killing of Li to be reopened, if he’s not staying dead, now would they. I’m not buying that Gil had killed Li given that Ava had killed Gil before Li was knifed, given that Gil was never apart of the shares-rumored-to-be-phony-giving-Stabi-motive, now was he?


    If anyone watched Seinfeld, you probably remember Elaine’s yadayadayada expression. Well, Days just went yadayadayada with Gabi’s murder conviction.

    I watched a Seinfeld rerun this week and William Utay, Dr Rolf, had a small part. He actually played a medical doctor.


    what does yadayadayada have anything to do with Gabi’s conviction & I get that WU originated the character of Rolf, but Seinfeld has nothing to do with Days, no matter who appears on any old tv-show?

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