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    is despicable and ridiculous.  She makes a fool out of herself acting like a 2 year old child.  She totally ignores everyone around her when they tell her not to do things and she goes right on charging like a bull.

    Nicole – why doesn’t she mind her own business and stop telling Rafe what to do about Sami.  Rafe has lost his common sense and needs to back completely away from Sami and quit being wishy washy.  He knows what type of person Sami is, so I wonder why he would want anything to do with her.  She is poison and that’s not good.


    that lately Sami’s character is behaving more frequently like the old Sami, though I wouldn’t go so far as to call her despicable. That label belongs squarely on Kristen at the moment.  The writers had seemed to be taking Sami in the right direction for a while, more mature, less flying off the handle, but since this Gabi thing she seems to have gone backwards. I think it has something to do with her remembering what it was like to be a pregnant teenager and not wanting anyone to hurt Gabi over this. That’s jmho of course.


     that she wants an excuse to be near Rafe. 


    I thought she was terrific yesterday.  I so wanted her to physically get into a throw-down with Kristen.  Damn E.J. had to stick his senseless two cents in.  I have to admit ED is doing a great job in this role; I just don’t know how much longer I want it to go on.  I need Sami and Nicole to gang up on her TOGETHER but first they need to get some proof to show how she’s playing Brady — something that can get through that ego he loves to exhibit when he thinks he knows Kristen; then Sami and Nicole can take her out together.  I love feisty Sami.


    but, I don’t think of Sami as fiesty, just plain stupid and ignorant. She thinks she is queen , now that E.J. and Rafe are sniffing around her.


    a few months ago.  Trying to decide between two men.  Personally, I don’t understand it.  Decide which one you want and quit leading the other one around like a pet pony.  It’s getting very tiresome.


    the writers have turned him into a wimp.  At least Rafe tells Sami the truth about herself.  Sami is Sami — that’s the way the character has always been written, and changing her into this hi-profile ploished business mogul doesn’t relate to the real Sami for me.  She did, however, have a right to go after Kristen, who is trying to destroy her mother, her step-father and her brother, even with Rafe’s reminding her of her own actions at times.  Oh, well, at least she caught herself when she realized Rafe was giving her a sincere reminder to look in the mirror before she makes a fool of herself; and, by the way, he does have a terrific way of shutting her up.  LOL!  ummmm, bu-bye E.J.


    I would absolutely LOVE to see Sami and Nicole team up to take Kristen down.  That would be such a great storyline! 


    (as IF!), but weren’t Sami and Nicole once BFFs? Like around the time she was dating Eric?

    I’m not sure where I want them to go with Kristin.  She is such a formidable character but she (Eileen) is doing such a fantastic job, I’m almost rooting for her.  She’s much like EJ was when he first came on the scene.  He was such a horrible person but I still liked him.

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