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    about Sonny and Will, but I was concerned about offending someone on the board.  However, I would be happier not seeing all of this kissing between the two guys just as I am happier now that they no longer have Nicole and Dan romping around in bed together.  They just don’t have to go that far for us to get the picture…JMHO.


     If that we’re true, she’d have to deliver what she thinks is a stillborn. Maybe she’s under anesthesia and then I can hope her baby comes back to her. If she delivers and we see her holding him, and then burying him, I’ll have a hard time seeing how this could work out. But it definitely is something Stefano can and would do.


    that is exactly what happened with Billie holding "Georgia." She came back, years later, as Chelsea.


    I appreciate someone having the same thoughts and feeling the same way I feel about Sonny and Will.  Their being together seems forced and somewhat embarassing to them and to me also.  I agree that some things should be left to the imagination and not displayed in public.  It seems that they are displaying themselves more and more.  I shudder to think exactly what goes on in private.  And by the way, I totally agree about Nicole and Daniel and their romps in bed.

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