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     I am so tired of the same story lines being hashed and rehashed and rehashed.  How many times does someone die, then comes back, tortures people and then goes away.  I mean come on….Kristen is coming back again?  What for….so Brady can stay on drugs or booze or whatever his poison of choice is now….or to torture Eric some more…really.  And Nick coming back…what is the reason behind that.  I don’t like the character…he is creepy and evil.  I fast forward through all of his scenes….I have not liked him from the beginning….there is no purpose to him being on the show.

    I have watched the show since 1975 but now I am reduced to fast forwarding through most of it…Nothing is good, nothing is exciting, nothing holds my interest in it any more.  I used to so glued to my tv set at one time and could hardly wait for the next episode.  Now I don’t care if I miss it.  I tape it so that I can get through it faster and just watch the little bits that are interesting.

    I know that Gabi is leaving and maybe she will take Nick with her…at least I hope so.  I see no reason to bring Kristen back.  Who is she going to break up, sleep, drug, kill next??????   I think she has gone through just about everyone in Salem.  Too bad the show is so bad.  I can see why most of the soaps are now gone and my beloved Days is going the same way.  It is painful to watch most day.







    I agree 100% about what you wrote.  Nick is a creep and I was hoping he would never come back and now he is strutting around and acting so smug and thinks he is so smart.  Just looking at him makes me feel yucky.

    And now the news is that Kristin is coming back.  She has already ruined so many people’s lives and that’s because she has taken lessons from the evil despicable Stefano who thinks he rules the world.


    I’ve never much liked Kristen and I felt her affective SL was up this recent return. It seems like just more of the same if she comes back and I can’t see Days strutting out anything remarkably new or edge of seat stuff.  Especially since Salemites should all be on alert for her antics.

    And please, no preggers!!!


    are superb actors and completely nail their Emmy worthy performances still makes me wait with baited breath to enjoy sitting back and watching them meet their dismal end, just like Dr. Chyka will soon be doing, I’m sure. However, I don’t see them as half the villains that people like Andre, Rolf, Stefano, Vivian, and even Victor in his hay-day are or have been. Short of redeeming these people, which most likely is not what these writers have in mind, I’m sure both Nick and Kristen will both get their comeuppances at some point, so I can fight off practically any of their scenes knowing that they are not long-term and will no doubt go down very hard (probably within this year), and right now that’s good enough for me.


    goes down hard this time, I will welcome a short term return. Just let’s not revisit the same’ol.

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