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     goes to Steve:

    Kayla to Ava:  "Your blood pressure is low and you have a fever."

    Ava:  "What does that mean?"

    Kayla:  "You could have an infection."

    Steve:  "Can she make it to the door?"



    Just love him! He is the strong/sensible one here and I hope he runs Ava out of town soon. Didn’t like her then and don’t like her now.


     My favorite character and I hope they keep writing him like this!


     He’d through her so hard out the door, on Friday, that she’d hit her head on something and die. I hate this story already.


    Nobody would notice Ava had had patch on her arm when the put the IV in her? Puhleeze! I think they have jumped the whale!


    Between this sl and the Chad brain-drain sl, I’m shocked they would do something like this.  I thought these new writers were giong to do away with the si-fi crap.


    JER wrote some good stuff – a bit drawn out (with too much Flashbacks) but he wrote some GREAT arcs (and SL’s that involved MULTIPLE people.)  What I wouldn’t do to have him writing for the show again.   


     but you have to admit, some of his sls were like watching The Twilight Zone…..not to mention they went on forever.  Who was it that was pregnant for like 15 months?  LOL!


    Vivian no?!?  Wasn’t she preggo forever – with a stolen embryo LOL

    I hated that they went on forever and hated the flashbacks (esp. for the stuff that happened in the same episode.)  I always giggled at the "talking out loud" to yourself though – cracked me up. 

    But c’mon – EPIC SL’s – ridiculous as they were – that spanned multiple characters – and had HUGE pay offs. 

    Compare that to now.  They "reinvent" the show – it’s good for five minutes and sucks again (HELLO writers – looking at you LOL) – people come and go.  Independent stories.  NO pay off (Clyde – Ben – this current Bo/Hope SL.)  

    GIMME JER any day!!! 


    I thought I was going to die laughing when I saw that patch on her arm. It was dirty, shiny, and looked like bad bandaid. How could no one notice? Please have her fall out a window and die soon!


    You’ve said before how much you liked JER and I questioned your sanity then and I do again now. His writing would have been good for something like the X-Files but certainly not the quality TV we have in Days. I could barely watch it while he was at the wheel. The spinning bed, the floating possessed Marlena, the space twins, Horton the lion (or was it a tiger?), the pillow pregnancy, the Garden of Eden, the five Banks siblings and the amazing transformation of Susan into Kristen, someone please, stop me…

    Seriously, though, we viewers are very fickle. We raved and raved about the storylines when they first came on because they were so good but it’s kind of impossible to keep that up all the time. We are going to have to accept some stinkers along the way. On the whole, I don’t think they have been all that bad but all I can say about JER’s is, O-M-G, what was he smoking?

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