Home Forums Salem Place: The Main Board Is It Really Ben, OR Is It Abby???

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     I think Abby is headed for a complete, perhaps even psychotic, breakdown.  I’m thinking, could she have cut her dress (or nightbown) up herself and believe it was Ben, and perhaps just not remember doing it?  Is Ben really there; did he follow them to Chicago, did he somehow get into the mansion before they left for their honeymoon, or is all this in her mind and completely running away with her?  Perhaps this is how Abby will exit until a replacement has been signed, which, as of this writing, it has not.  According to NBC they are really having a difficult time replacing Kate Mansi, and to date no one has been signed.  They just put out a new audition recasting call.  I’m glad it didn’t pan out to be Becky Hurst (Elizabeth Weber from GH), who has just re-signed to stay on at GH.  They are demanding a "strong" actress though to replace Mansi, and that seems to be difficult.  A new Abigail was supposed to start filming next month, so good luck replacing Mansi, who right now seems to be very difficult to replace in the role.


    It is really funny how way back some of the posters were so down on Kate and her acting and the character. Now that she is leaving people are definitely saying how much they will miss her. People turn on a dime on some actors here
    which I guess is sometimes human nature.
    The way she has played the character in the past few months has been nothing short of spectacular. The scenes with her in the wedding gown, she looks like a porcelain doll. What a stunning looking lady who emits both strength and weakness in the portrayal of Abigail. It may take longer than they think to replace her because to say it will be tough replacing such talent may seem an understatement.
    Good luck to her in whatever the future holds….




     I think she has been playing Abby as a fragile soul who just needed a little push, like BEn escaping, to push her over the edge totally. Every time she had a scene that was even remotely emotional she got those big teary eyes and quavery voice which seemed to be a person who was holding on by a thread (I didn’t explain it very well but I think you know what I mean).


    Spoilerish to follow:





    I’m wondering if her "breakdown" will be when we get to see Jack?


    Days is taking time to cast the best replacement. I hope we will be satsified; but again, it’s true most of us criticised KM at first and then she grew into the role.


     that Mansi even decided to extend her departure because of it.  She would have departed our screen in April originally, but now I think she will be with us until after May Sweeps!

    Also, I tend to believe that when actors or their characters are bashed by fans, it’s due to the writing rather than the actor or their character.  Unfortunately, most don’t or won’t recognize that.


    about how fickle the fans are. That’s why I now hold back on judgment until I see what they are really about. I have to eat crow and say, although I detested Theresa, she is a good actor if she had just been given a different role. I think she is portraying this character very admirably at this point.

    As far as whether or not it really is Ben, I think it is. Everybody believes she is just seeing things but I think it will turn our he really has been there. Since we’ve seen him on screen (which I don’t believe was pre-recorded), it seems to me we will see more of him. The way these new writers have been putting so much blood and gore in lately, it will give them another chance to really play it up. Remember, Ben DID do a fabulous job at the cabin.


     Jen Lilly (Theresa) always did a good job with her character…it was just the character I couldn’t stand. But I think people make way too much of whether or not someone likes or dislikes an actor’s performance. It is allowed to dislike someone as an actor, it is not a judgment of the person just their performance. I have seen many movies, plays, etc where people rave about an actor and I just came away going "I don’t get it". 

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