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     The people missing from Bo’s funeral (Jen & more) and the fact that it was not as in depth compared to Will’s, right? Just let it go and accept that the show is cutting corners here and there. Okay! 


    Not to mention, no one mentioned why Chelsea and Billie weren’t there, Max or Frankie who were raised as Bo’s brothers, Carly, others…they did mention Kim who was stranded @ an airport. I could’ve waited to see new faces like this Fynn and whoever V. Irrizari is playing in order to see some old faces return for such a monumental event. 


     This is the third funeral in several weeks, so maybe they skimped!. No eulogies were presented, even the flowers were only from the family! it was almost like –"well, that part is over, lets move on!"

    You would think the Jen, (her favorite cousin) would have attended.


     not being there.  The others mentioned above really have no significance to the current sls and I would not expect them to bring back characters from Bo’s past, no matter how close they may have been to him, for a one-day funeral that would warrant them being brought back.  I’m wondering how long we are going to see ghost Bo, which all of those scenes were obviously taped right before PR’s departure, and yes, he has left the building.  When it’s finally over and Hope has caught the bad guys and reaped her revenge, are we going to see Bo go "into the light"?  I sure do hope so, because that will mean Hope is satisfied with her "justice for Bo" fight and can perhaps move on with her life.

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