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    What’s everybody’s take on Dr. Ben Walters?  I can’t help but think, after Friday’s show, that he is definitely in on the organ trafficking at the prison.  Why else would he ask the warden things like, "what’s the timeline" — how would she know that.  Then she responds with, "you’re the one who wants to be the hero…I’m just in it for the money."  I’m thinking that maybe he is involved with getting the organs he needs to perform transplants for his patients, but possibly he doesn’t know that the warden and the trustee are killing people to get him what he needs.  Either way, if he’s paying for these organs with a "don’t know how…don’t wanna’ know how" attitude, then he’s as guilty as they are.  Any thoughts?


    especially with the writers potentially putting Jennifer as a love interest for him (new Doc Ben).  I think I have a problem when they introduce new characters but don’t use our old standby favorites  for long periods of time in story lines.

    They are forcing once again another potentional love story here on us with Jennifer slamming Jack ever since she has returned to Salem.  Why does Jen even need a "love interest" now?  She’s just returning to the show.  Let her get Hope out of the hoosgow and solve the body parts "mystery".   They (writers) have dumped her kids basically – off to bording school or where ever.  If and when her kids show up they will be dropped into a story line as if they’ve been there for years.  OK – fine.  There is a history of Jennifer having children there and I suppose they need continuity into the next Days generation.  

    If they have to have some kind of doctor story line – they’ve got Lexie who they haven’t used except as a "fluff" piece SL for quite awhile now.  She just shows up and yells "stat!".   And they, (writers) have doctor Dan also that they could have utilized in a story about stolen body parts in some fashion because let’s face it, how much longer are they going to milk is he the daddy, is he not the daddy?   

    I really don’t care for the jail SL at all, except they had to do something with Hope now that they’ve written her into a corner and Bo has once again got to ride in on his horse and rescue her.   Anyone wanna take bets on after they get back together – how long before the next story line tears them apart again?  Two years? 18 months?  


    …we don’t know that they are going to pair Jen up with Ben so I’d hold off on that for awhile.  He’s flirting with her but, so far, she has not reciprocated.

    And Ben has to be in on the whole scheme.  A doctor doesn’t get organs from a prison warden.  The only legal place he can obtain them is through the donor registry.  I’m wondering what the other staff involved in these transplants thinks about where they are coming from?  Slopping writing again.  But, alas, I’m afraid my dear Ty has been cast as a bad guy.  (Sigh)  What a pity…he is so cute.


    stash her kids in boarding school? And would she jump into another relationship when she’s still married to Jack?
    I’ve never liked the jail scene and the entire plot that sent Hope in there. I hope the writers can redeem Bope, and I’d like to see them in counseling (maybe a stint for Marlene to return?) to ferret out this long troubled marriage. To simply reunite them and gloss over the problems doesn’t cut it.


     because Jenn is always into investigative reporting, maybe she’ll be the one to use Ben to find out what is actually happening in the prison?  I could see her doing that easily.  If I remember the Jenn that was on when Peter Blake was around did the same type of thing.  I’m not going to assume he’d be her love interest- gross!  


    I am with you guys!  They are going to ruin Jennifer just as I suspected.  I mean based on everything that has been going on the past few years it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out the writers will screw this up.  I don’t like what they are doing to Jack.  Can’t they just leave the door open for him to return one day?  She doesn’t need a love interest and she would never send the kids off to boarding school.

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