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    Nadia Bjorlin tweeted last night that she is filming some new scenes to air at the end of September!  It will only be a few episodes.  Question is… will this be good Chloe or bad Chloe??? 



    real question is what happens to Parker. Does he leave with Chloe? Does he stay with Dan? My guess is she takes him and they have shared custody. How else can the turmoil that we are about to be embroiled in with JJ and Dan and Jen happen if he has a child to take care of full time? She’s (Nadia) only returning for 2 episodes.


    what is the point or what was the point of her story line anyway except to drag out Jen and Dan.  


    that the viewers are sick and tired of this Dan and Jen nonsense. And this isn’t even subtle or anything…like today JJ breaking Dan’s MP3 player and returning it to him with those lame stories. I’m already getting sick of JJ and I was prepared to like him. why can’t anyone in this town have a normal kid with normal teenage problems, like acne, instead of all these tormented, twisted children. I know it doesn’t make for good tv but neither does this drivel we are having forced down our throats.


     I find him just plain uninteresting.

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