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  • #7667

     So two things about Will…

    One – he has certainly gotten more handsome.  I dunno if it’s the scruff or the age – but Chandler has gotten VERY handsome (vs. how "cute" he used to be.)  I’m digging the new look.

    Second – I kinda wanted him to tell Sonny to get over himself.  I mean sure Will kept a part of the story to himself.  And sure it was his Mom who blew it.  But they were both counting their chickens before they hatched.  Ari didn’t even want a sibling.  Get the kid a puppy and she’ll be fine LOL 


    The other part of this story that’s gotten my knickers in a wad is that Allie is pissed Will for keeping a secret from her. Hello! She just kept the secret of being pregnant from both of her parents and begged Eric and Nicole not to say a word. This just says there’s a lot of sloppy writing going on.  


    People are getting mad at the wrong people all over the place. Allie is the one who has handled this whole thing wrong. She should have never even entertained the idea of letting Rafe adopt her baby since that situation could backfire in many ways. And, yes, she broke Will and Sonny’s hearts for going back on the deal to let them adopt the baby–for a lame reason. Sami and Will have become the bad guys in all of this when the one who is realy guilty is Allie. She acts like this baby is only hers and never even entertains the idea of letting the father in on her decisions. That is probably going to really cause trouble in the long run. 

    As far as Will getting more handsome–yes he has. Not only that, but I love how Chandler M portrays the character of Will more and more all the time. I can’t believe of all people that the show is letting him go. 



    Whoops, sorry, this should be under mommytutu’s post, especially the last line of her post!


     I think it more proves the point that Allie is her mother’s daughter, LOL. If you think about all the people she has manipulated since she arrived on the scene it makes me thiink that the apple didn’t fall far from the tree.  And i’m pretty sure that everything she does is done to aggravate Sami so if Sami liked the idea of Will and Sonny adopting the baby Allie just needed any lame excuse to call it off.


     I kind of can’t wait to find out who the baby daddy is. And nobody ever really pushe the issue with Allie, which I kind of find weird. 


    especially after what she did today with leaving the baby to Nicole. She didn’t even ask, but just did what she knew would drive her mother crazy. Yeah, right, Allie is thinking of the baby.  


    She is impetuous like Sami. Leaving the baby with Nicole is just another way to stick it to her mother. Personally, I hated the Allie character. I hope there are no plans for her to return anytime soon. 

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