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    Just saw a commercial for the show which will return in March and, although they didn’t directly address it, they did show Jen wearing a scarf on her head in one scene and a horrible looking long wig in another so she has apparently gone through (or is currently going through) chemo.

    It also showed them with Zoey so looks like the adoption has gone through. It kind of surprises me that they would allow someone with cancer to complete the adoption. I guess we shall see.


    I didn’t catch it but Jen and Bill were on talking about her cancer fight.


    Wish I had seen it. What kind of cancer does she have and is it in remission? What a horrible thing to just adopt two little little people, :o), which is a challenge in itself, and then have to deal with cancer.

    At least Jen has her mother there with her which should be a big help for her and they obviously have plenty of money to be able to afford help but that’s still a terribly blow.

    I’m anxiously awaiting the first show.


     She had a very rare cancer in the uterine area. Dr. Oz explains on his show. She did lose her hair, but her chemo is finished. Their daughter is just as cute as their son!!     

    You can watch on doctoroz.com.




    that had anything to do with her IVF failures doesn’t it? The cancer was probably there in its earliest stages back then so it would make sense if it may have been a contributing factor.

    I have a friend who had a “rare” form of uterine cancer which was diagnosed over six years ago and she’s still getting treatment. She’s had I don’t know how many rounds of chemotherapy and has lost her hair three times now. Makes you wonder why it happens to some of the nicest people.


    thought it was kind of strange how they treated the cancer…almost as an after thought. The only thing I can think is that because picking up Zoey in India was such a big deal they want to devote more time to the cancer issue.

    All I have to say about this couple is how terrible for them to have such a joyful event be marred by such a tragic one. And it was so sad that Zoey wasn’t a little more receptive to them. The poor thing was absolutely petrified. I was hoping that Will would at least eventually get a small smile out of her. And wasn’t he precious how he treated her, kissing her toe and bringing her toys. He is such a happy little fella.

    It’s going to be interesting to see how Zoey turns out considering they called her “moody” at the orphanage. It must have been killing Jen not to have her warm up to her a little better.


    the privileged, spoiled life she will have will warm her up eventually. And I think Will might be the key.


     I got the impression from watching the show that Jen started getting sick in India while the adoption process was going through.  I did think the interview with her in a longish wig seems out of sequence because she had short hair in India.  I felt really bad for Zoey, but I think she was warming up to both of them, especially Bill, because she was clinging to him.  After all, they came in and took her from all she ever knows or people  she’d always been with so of course she was terrified.  But in the picture with them on the floor and Jen in her hat without her glasses (which I though made her especially pretty) showed Zoey smiling broadly, so I think they may be overcoming that.  None of us know the timelines for when these shows are filmed, shown, etc.  Will is a doll, but he doesn’t talk very much.  I don’t follow it regularly, because I always forget it’s on, but didn’t he have hearing issues and tubes and maybe that is why he doesn’t talk as much?  Zoey is so tiny next to Will!    And Zoey would not speak any English either, and even though Will doesn’t talk, he does seem to understand everything Bill & Jen tell him or ask him.  I also thought it was funny when Bill was making Indian food and using really hot peppers.  Suppose they made a milder version for Will?  He does seem to like any food they give him, but Zoey was definitely not liking the spinach!  


    They definitely blamed his being slow to speak on it so now that it’s been corrected he should start catching up. He is an amazing little kid. About the eating, yeah, he seems to like everything and eats with relish (unintentional pun). I don’t think they are going to find that with Zoey.

    I thought I heard one of the orphanage women say something about Zoey not speaking or hearing any English which I don’t quite understand because isn’t English the main language of India? Maybe because she came from the ghetto they spoke something different there. Besides, she’s only two and a lot of kids aren’t talking at that age. My g.daughters didn’t start speaking until they were three but we blamed that on them being twins with their own “language.”

    And wasn’t it a little strange how quickly they took her with them? Didn’t they spend a day or so with Will before they left with him? Maybe India doesn’t have the same criteria about adoption as China.


    Will’s food intake. Particularly being a little person with many potential health issues could tend to put on excess weight. It certainly looks like no goodies barred for him thus far.


    my heart was just breaking for Bill. Having to send his very sick wife back to the US, being stuck in India with two kids and one that doesn’t want to have nothing to do with him. I can’t imagine how hard that must have been. Thank God for the nanny.

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