Home Forums The Brady Pub So, I hear that Ashton Kucher is going to…

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    replace Charlie Sheen in "Two and a Half Men".  I can’t see that as a successful replacement.  Ashton is not my cup of tea…never has been.  Charlie’s current antics turn me off, but I sure did enjoy him on that show!  I’ll give it a try in the fall, but I’m not sure it’s going to work.  I’m wondering how they’ll write him in.  I can’t believe that Ashton would be playing the same character.  It would seem that he would have to be another relative or something; but, the brotherly interaction between Alan and Charlie is a big part of what makes that show great.  Anyone else have any thoughts?


    I’d read he might be a long lost half brother.  Just wondering what the dynamics with Alan will be since part of the success of the show as Alan’s anal retentive behavior and Charley’s lacksadisical attitude



    but would imagine that Ashton could pull it off.  I think it’ll be the writing more than the acting that will make him successful or not.  If they have a good premise for his character, I think it’ll work.

    I wish the show well just because I want Charlie to realize that the world doesn’t revolve around him.


    this show has been on a long time. Maybe they should just fold up the tent.
    But then I’ve only seen snippets, so I’m in no real place to comment.


    We don’t watch the show during the current seasons but watch the reruns  when they’re on before the primetime viewing begins.  The show is funny but what makes if good is the dynamic between Charlie and his brother Alan and their mother.  Jake was cute when he was younger but not so much as he gets older.  The same lines don’t work wth a teen.  I know Valerie went on to become The Hogans when Valerie Harper left after the first season and was successful but even though the show was named after her she wasn’t the center of it, the kids were.   8 Simple Rules continued after John Ritter died but  even though John Ritter was suppose to be the star, the daughters were really the center of the show.  In Two and a Half Men there is no star.  The core of the show is the relationship between Charlie, Alan and Jake with Evelyn and Berta thrown in.  I hope they can bring in someone that can fill the void in that relationship but I have my doubts.  

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