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    *Chloe and Phillip would actually be working together to bring Orange man down. Parker is Phillip’s and this is all a ruse for revenge.

    *Vargas and Nick fight, Nick dies, Vargas goes back to prison.

    *Gabby has the baby, but Chad rats her out and she goes to prison. Will and Sonny find the baby too much to handle so John and Marlena end up with custody of the baby. (more and more I see grandparents and even great grandparents raising the kids)

    *Cameron is stripping to pay off a person who knows he sold Nicole’s baby on the black market. This is proven and Nicole gets her baby back. Ejerk wants to be in the baby’s life. He works very hard to convince Nicole. She will have none of it. Ejerk loses it and ends up in a mental hospital. This does not set well with Stefano. Nicole and baby have to go into the witness protection program.

    Sami is left with all the children who are not dealing with all the changes in their life at this point. Lucas moves in across the hall to help out. As part of a plea bargin, Cameron admits that paternity tests on Sydney and Johnny were falsified. Lucas is the father of both. As months go on, Lucas and Sami deeply bond. They get married for good this time.


    Kate and Rafe keep playing house. Lucas and Sami disapprove, but have FINALLY learned a lesson about interfering and leave them be.

    Eric continues in the priesthood.

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