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    From Days Cafe, spoilers from the end of Dena Higley’s era as head writer.

    Rafe 2 is busted as Fay’s killer.

    Bo and Hope work with Sami and Rafe to make him confess. EJ

    is filled with guilt.

    Taylor wants "Rafe" to pay for murdering her mother, unaware it

    was really an imposter.

    Chloe is blackmailed into becoming a hooker. She was set up!

    Jen fears Carly started using drugs because she was in love with Dan

    and lost him. She re-examines her role in the situation.

    Brady beats EJ to a pulp. Mel steps in before he kills him and EJ is hospitalized. Mel hopes he won’t point the finger at her favorite

    Kiriakis, but, as we all know, memories in Salem often come back!


    EJ handed over the drug ring to QUINN

    Dena Higley was fired after the ratings started a steady decline



    I thought Quinn was supposed to be a good guy and this whole thing was a mistaken identity thing. No so sure I like the whole Chloe the hooker thing although it should give her and Kate something to talk about.


    Kate Roberts, who’s not done much of anything but try and destroy the lives of anyone who doesn’t have a penis on this show.  Give this woman a storyline other than meddling or revenge, and stop acting like she and Stefano are so in love.  He blackmailed her into marrying him and I still vividly remember her saying her vows and "I do’s" with tears streaming down her face.  Kate needs to wear the shoe on the other foot for a while.  That stupid lung cancer storyline didn’t do it, so hopefully they’ll find another way to keep what I otherwise believe to be a truly gifted actress.


    I too would like to see Kate have a real storyline that showcases her talents rather than scheming and trying to run her kid’s lives.  I disagree about her relationship with Stefano though.  While it certainly started out as a marriage based on blackmail, I think the two have come to respect and genuinely care for one another and I find that dynamic very interesting.  It shows a more vulnerable side to both characters.


    to be portrayed as weaker than she already is. She was suicidal so now let’s make her be a hooker? WTH? Also way to go with the leaping over clinical depression storyline. Argh.


    Involved in this Chloe SL.  If I have to indure this stupid SL, at least we could have some good come out of it which is have Kate find out and instead of bashing Chloe, remember her days as a hooker.  And actually help Chloe out of it while Chloe is fighting her thinking she will take advantage of the situation.  That would make for some good acting on both parts.  But I doubt that is where this awful SL is going.

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