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    Where is he? He’s barely on? They brought him back to prop Dannifer and that’s it? Please…Give him a story..they had one (PSDT)and just didn’t use it…These writers really suck


    Well when he was talking to Daniel in the pub that day jack told him that the university or something wanted to write a book about the time he spent in Afghanistan.


    with the Jenn arrest, we will see Jack doing some investigating on the election scandal. Maybe we’ll see the J&J working duo again.


    It was nice to see him involved in the Abigail fiasco, and I especially loved when he didn’t coddle her, but informed Abbey that she (in so many words) got herself into this mess and then lied to cover it up, and now she has to stand and face the consequences from the fallout.  Of course, we know it’s breaking his heart, because he does love his family so much.  Truth be told, he and Jennifer should not be rushed back into a "couple."  The Jennifer/Jack/Daniel triangle reminds me so much of what they are now writing Carrie/Austin/Rafe.  If I had my way, Jennifer and Jack would have to find each other again.  I would rather they continue with Jack’s PTSD with that leading into him writing a book about his captivity and his time spent in Afghanistan.  To me that would be way more interesting than watching Jennifer flip-flopping with her "feelings", still trying to squirm back into Daniel’s life every time she sees him, but not willing to cut Jack loose if Daniel moves on, which it looks like he is doing.  Jack did the right thing when he backed away and gave Jenn some space.  Looks like it’s working, but I would rather see more of Jack’s story than a lopsided love life between two people who are not sure that they even still belong together.


    of the Afghanistan book except maybe Jack’s PTSD will be more fleshed out. But I would much prefer to have him and Jenn investigate the mayor scandal and find their way back to each other thay way.
    I get the impression Dan, at least is moving on.


    but ONLY if it means that Jen (or Jack) realizes that their relationship is over for good. They can be good friends, and great working partners, but nothing else. We have been down this road too many times. I do NOT want a Jack/Jen pairing anymore…….he has been given too many chances, as it.


     I still want Jack and Jen together but I think they need to earn it.  The PTSD storyline should not have been dropped.  If done correctly this would’ve been a compelling story of healing and growth as they found their way back together.  Of course the writers seemed to have dropped that idea.


     But I sometimes feel that Jen would prefer Daniel to Jack. Jack would be her fall back guy cause I guess she really doesn’t want to be alone.  I understand she is careful with Jack, after all he has burned her too many times to count. But Daniel is no prize either, he seems to change girls like others change shirts! ALso he is a runner- meaning when things get tough, her runs away, usually to another woman!!

    Either way, Jen loses cause Jack is about the chase.Once he accomplishes it, he is on to the next great adventure ( not necessarily a woman, just any adventure).


    I want Jack and Jenn to be over for good because the one who was given too many chances is Jennifer.Jack should move on already.I can’ believe she actually had the nerve to blame him for doing his job when she had her heart removed while she was doing hers…That woman is such a  hypocrite.


    I forgot that she put herself in harm’s way, too. So much for putting your family first.

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