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    When they had the anniversary for Julie Horton. They had shown the flashback as to when she was accused of shoplifting back in the day, then when Julie was accused of it yet again & Doug had brought it up, through my research, it was the exact month & the exact day of the week & how many years ago the flashback was. But when they had the 50th Anniversary for Maggie Kiriakis. How exactly was it the anniversary as to when Maggie was first shown with Clarke’s Mickey when he asked for water. Her anniversary was August 20, 1973, in 2023, August 20 is a Sunday, not a Monday. So the question arises why was it the exact month & the exact day of the week & how many years ago the flashback was for that, that the anniversary for Maggie was way off?


    It wasn’t way off. They did the show on Friday, precisely because the exact day was today, Sunday. It’s actually no different than celebrating a birthday a few days before or a few days after the event. As a matter of fact, we just celebrated my mother in law’s 90th birthday yesterday, the 19th. Her birthday is the 31st. I do the same with two of my children. They are born just a couple of days before Christmas. We’ve been known to celebrate 3 or 4 months later because the weather is better.


    I’m not saying it was way off, what I’m getting at is that it’s still two days before, now isn’t it & you are comparing fact with fiction, given that your mother-in-law & your children has nothing to do with the character of Maggie Horton, now do they?


    Funny that you would complain about my comparing fact to fiction, how ironic! Have you read any of your own posts?


    Do I bring up how old my grandmother is & when, much less how if I have children has to when I celebrate their birthdays & then bring up when an anniversary of a soap character has been there for how long?


    Zodiacpisces I don’t understand what you’re complaining about in your initial post. Days celebrated Maggie’s anniversary as close to Aug 20 as possible. Since Aug 20 is a Sunday this year they aired the anniversary on Friday Aug 18. If that bothers you, watch it on Peacock on August 20.

    Personally, I think the tribute to Maggie was nicely done. Having it coincide with Victor’s death was odd, but reminiscing with Julie was impactful.


    But what I’m getting at is with how powerful & poignant & nicely done, with how varying people were mourning over Victor, it was suppose to be about him, & only him, not Maggie’s life before Victor & it certainly wasn’t about what she had with Mickey. This was about of how Julie had brought up the romance, & the love & how it affected Maggie about Victor’s loss, they had to make it all about her anniversary, her romance with Mickey & how what she had with Mickey was too powerful than Victor. That’s what I’m getting at.

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