Home Forums The Brady Pub Happy Halloween!

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     Anybody doing anything special today?  Today I am dressed as a skeleton zombie at work.  I rode the commuter rail in today in my costume.  Some people looked at me as if I’m crazy.  It’s too bad some people just don’t enjoy things.  I love Halloween and plan on eating a lot of candy and will hand out candy later at home.  I even will go trick-or-treating to a few of my neighbors’ houses as they expect me every year.  Yup, I’m almost 45 and I’m still a kid at heart!  I guess there are worse things to be.  Happy Halloween!


    the last of my decorations.  I already had orange lights around the planters (all this outside), black birds in the trees, little ghosts I made from styrofoam balls with "dresses" on and eyes painted on hanging from the trees, some WalMart scarecrows and a tombstone.  Some ceramic pumpkins, a big black plastic rat and six glass pumpkin candle holders on a post that stick in the ground.

    I just finished making some illuminarias and drew pumpkin faces, bats, tombstones, ghosts and BOO on them, filled them with sand and a tea light and I’ll put them out tonight.  I have a big wall that goes across my front courtyard and they will go along there.

    I too am a nut for Halloween (as you can probably tell).  I usually dress up, either as a vampire (I have a great outfit), the Phantom of the Opera (same cape), the guy from Scream, a French maid, a Carol Burnette-type washerwoman, a Greek goddess, a 1890 swimsuit with hat or a mumu-wearing Hawaiian old woman.  But this year I’m just going to wear my Halloween t-shirt.

    Everybody have fun tonight (everybody Wang Chung tonight…) but stay safe and don’t eat too much candy!  I’ve got some more decorations in the garage, I just may go dig them out also.


    and I try to watch spook flicks and listen to ghost stories on late night radio.


     I also love to watch scary movies around Halloween.  My favorite all-time Halloween movie is "Halloween" with Jamie Lee Curtis from 1978.  There is no gore in the movie (unlike the Halloween sequels) but it’s just so spooky.  And the theme song is even scarier!


     Wish I could go trick-or-treating at your house, bonbon!  Would love to see your decorations.  I have a lot of Halloween LED candles and spooky candelabras in my house.  It was neat when we lost power Monday night (thankfully only for a couple hours) and I was walking around the house with the candelabras.  Very spooky.

    I’ve already eaten a bunch of candy I brought in for the office and it’s only 12:30 pm!


    it’s on my must see list every year. Although the dialog and some of the acting are really hokey I love the neighborhood and atmosphere and that terrific score. I also enjoyed Halloween 2.

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