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     It’s after Thanksgiving and the other characters are wearing jackets and coats. Gabi shows up at the outdoor square for a meal with Rafe and is wearing a sleeveless summer dress with no coat!! 

    Come on days, that’s ridiculous!



    Here is Kate, all bundled up for the North Pole and Gabi in summer garb.


     I saw a coat on the chair to her right.


    theres no coat. I’ve been looking for it. Maybe I missed it, but either way, isn’t this part of Salem Town Square outdoors? Everyone in the background is dressed in a coat. Gabi looks ridiculous!  


     On Monday’s show, Gabi picked up a red coat and left Horton Square with the coat over her arm.



    We didn’t have Days on the west coast Monday, but I watched on NBC.com and saw the coat on the chair. Still, isn’t Horton Square an outdoor venue? 


     No awareness of the weather outside of Los Angeles compounded by filming 6 months in advanced, so this episode was filmed in May or June in probably hot weather. So when we are shivering by our fireplaces, maybe looking out on a blizzard, they walking in from a heat wave. But this is not limited to Days, I often chuckle, when in one of those TV Christmas movies folks are outside, in shirtsleeves, playing in the falling snow or making a snowman. I look like a stuffed animal when I go out in New England in the winter, between the long johns and the down coats, hats, scarves and mittens.! 

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