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    I’m getting really tired of these storylines being rehashed over and over.  Can’t these writers create some interesting and decent that we could enjoy watching.

    Kristin and Brady – are getting on my nerves, along with Jennifer and Daniel.  I can’t understand why Jennifer sucks up to Kristin.  It just goes to show that she doesn’t have good judgement about anything, especially her delinquent drug addict kid.  I can’t wait when J.J. is busted and Jennifer finds out what he has been up to. Problem is – she probably won’t believe it, she is so naive.




     That friendship with Madam Psycho Loony Toon (aka Kristin) is definitely proof that Jenn has poor judgement.


    the show’s storylines have been running at a snail’s pace, and it’s seems like the same people are on day after day. There are so many other interesting characters on DOOL who have amazing history with this show, yet these writers have chosen to either not include them in the stories we are watching, or simply refuse to write for them at all. You know I am a fan of EJAMI, but even this trial storyline is at a standstill for me. Are we to assume that the only time the fans will be interested in Days of Our Lives is when we are nearing a sweeps month. The stories have to be paced better so that just near the time one is ending, another or two stories are just heating up. Keep my interest going, writers, or I’ll find better things to do with my time. No wonder the ratings have plummeted again. That’s my motto, anyway.


    Kristin is all about herself and how she can manipulate and put on a fake smile and act like she is  so sincere.  I can’t wait for November when she is out the door!!!!   Hoping Marlena, Victor and Nicole can catch her in her lies.  Of course she will deny everything.  She is so EVIL!!!


    I want to see Kristin go out in a manner that negates any return whatsoever. I want Brady to go into long term rehab. I want Jennifer to get a life beyond the disgusting slob aka Daniel. I want Daniel’s hand shakes to return with a vengeance—with no hope of recovery…he then goes off and becomes a hermit.


    I keep checking here to see when it is safe to watch again. I’m so tired of the same old, same old with all the players. However, I doubt there will be anything new to care about when all of these boring SL’s are resolved, if that ever happens. I too wish there would be some new blood and excitement, instead of the tiring rehash.


    In the beginning I was indifferent to Daniel and Jennifer. I didn’t care about them one way or another. Now, I have grown tired of their constant break-ups/make-ups. Seriously, how many more times do we have to watch them do this? As for Cuckoo Kristen and Brain dead Brady, I am just sick to death of them. The writers couldn’t even attempt to give us something different with these two. We are just watching a repeat of their last storyline. Once again we have Kristen lying to Brady, Brady believing every word she says, and proposing marriage. The only difference between this storyline and the last one, is that the secret Kristen is keeping is MUCH worse this time.



    the right time to move. Haven’t seen Days in ten days which has to be a first for me. Sounds like not much has gone on.

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