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     but the current cast, not including the sitting around, walk-on extras, now stands at 45, including kids, maids and butlers, henchmen, etc., so contract or recurring, they are all used quite a bit when the plot calls for it, and they’re all still here.  What I can’t believe is they have John Aniston listed as recurring.  In any case, 45 actors on one soap is way to many to write for.  No wonder they hop around so much.


    I think 10-15 core characters that are the meat of the storylines with the extras.  We don’t need Dario coming in for what, a love interest.  We don’t need him or at least we don’t need him to be a core character.  We really didn’t need Mel when she came to Salem and now she’s one of the main characters in storylines  Taylor, NOPE  Even Abby is not needed at this time except to be part of the teen storyline this summer.  We’ve got a Kiriakas teen coming to Salem to let us or Will know he’s gay.


    They do need extras and non contract actors but once a storyline you brought them in for is over push them to the background and stop shoving them down our throats.


    I never thought I would stop watching…ever.  But I have.  It was the begining of the end for me when J&M left, I still stuck in there for two more years; but it’s gotten to where I don’t "love" the characters anymore (a few, yes, Maggie, Bo, Hope, Victor, Nicole) but there are too many I don’t care about because they have either been "over done" with the same ol’ story line "I’m in true love! (for the fourteenth time in my life)" – i.e., Sami, or just "Mr. Evil-don’t-know-if-I-wanna-be-badddddd-or-good" EJ.  

    I’ve gotten so jaded after 20 something years, where I can predict what’s going to happen and what they are going to say, so I just don’t care anymore.  The show holds no surprises, no- I can’t wait for tomorrow’s show, so it’s just time to catch up once in awhile. 

    Like Nora said to me one day, when I told her I was done with it and I quote, "about people who dont watch Days anymore, we say well let me catch you up, it’s later the same day…" Guess, what?  She is correct!  I can keep up with the show here on SP and only have to watch once in a great while and still know what’s going on.  If John Black comes back though, somebody put it in big capital letters three times in several different posts and I’ll be back glued to my t.v. set.

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