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     Did you all see that Barbara Billingsly died,  she was 94.   My husband and I love Leave it to Beaver!    


    The deaths of two actresses have really made me feel a sense of loss in my lifetime.  The first was Lucille Ball, and now Barbara Billingsley.  It’s rather strange how losing a couple of folks you never even knew can hit you like that.  I guess it’s because they brought to us smiles, laughter, and even comfort when things in your own childhood home weren’t going all that well.


    I’ve had certain ones hit me like that too.  And there’s no explaining why some more than others. 

    I never watched Leave It To Beaver although I do remember her from some of the other things she did.  She certainly lived a long life.


     one of my favorite episodes are when Beaver and his friend, I cant think of his name!  The fat kid!  they wanted to go to the carnival but they both spent their allowance on candy and pop at the store.  So Beaver’s friend went in his mom’s sewing kit and took some money,  he asked his mom if he found some money could he go to the carnival, so he took the money from the kit and threw it out the window,  he then called Beaver over and were outside and started looking around and then LArry (thats his name!)  "found" the money.  They had such a tough time spending the whole $4!  

    another favorite episode is when Beaver woudlnt eat his brussell sprouts.   that was a good one too. 


    the gaudy, “oohlala” blouse Beav bought June for a birthday gift? And he asked her to wear it to some school function and June (of course!) wouldn’t wear such a tactless blouse and the Beav was hurt?
    Those shows were gems. I always recall the one where teacher Miss Landers had dinner at the Cleavers and an embarrassed Beav couldn’t get over her bare arms!


     lol…yeah I remember that one too.   she helped Beaver out becuase he was embarrassed his friends were spying on them.   another fav episode was where Larry was at the drug store and he kept telling the clerk to "Charge it!"  He got in trouble with is mom for spending all her money,  he didnt realize that he was using real money when he said "charge it!"  

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