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     I don’t get the Peter hate.  What did he do besides try to negotiate for more money after he had already taken a few cuts?  I get all the soaps are on the way out and the budgets are shrinking but if he can get it then more power to him.  Then he tried to rally fans on Twitter.  Did I miss anything?  It doesn’t seem like that big of a deal.  He’s a legacy character and half a super couple.  Aiden has been such a bore.  Everyone is certainly entitled to their opinion but the venom towards him seems extreme.  


     I agree Manjeco.  People can’t separate Bo from Peter.  I’ve said that on a different thread as well.  Peter plays Bo he is NOT Bo.  The character of Bo should not have anything to do with who/what Peter is in real life.  I never understood that either. 


     I mean I get that everyone has their opinion I just don’t get what he did that was so bad.  Figured maybe there was more to the story than I knew.


    Of course we can separate Bo from Peter, or Peter from Bo. It’s Peter the animosity is toward, not Bo. There is no reason to dislike Bo, especially now that we know he didn’t stay away of his own free will.

    It’s because of all the games Peter’s been playing, with both TPTB AND the fans. I’d be willing to bet he’s lost a ton of his fans over all these shenanigans of trying to get them to go to bat for him and get his job back with more pay, after slamming the door shut on Days and burning all his bridges because he didn’t get his way…poor baby. (Whew, that was a long sentence.)

    Anyway, don’t insult our intelligence with a statement like that.


     Bonbon, I so agree with you about Peter!

    It’s funny because lots of people complained about Eve and Clyde (the characters not the actors) and wanting them gone. s. Tons of people critized Guy because "he ruined " Will even though HE didn’t write Will’s personality change.

    The difference is Peter didn’t want a pay cut so he left without any real ending. Then spend years trying to get fans to plead his case. In my mind, you have the right to walk away if you don’t like the terms, but you have no right to get fans involved.  So he ruined Bo for me!

    Can’t wait for BO to be gone!



    the show is trying to punish him just a little bit.  Maybe punish isn’t the right word. But they’ve left him filthy in the dark for weeks, laying on the floor, not working with any of his former co-workers/friends. I’m not sure how long it takes to film those scenes, but if there are a lot of takes, it doesn’t seem like a lot of fun.  I’m always curious if they film scenes like that all at once in the same day or two, or if they do it over several days.  I also wonder why when someone says one sentence at the end of the episode and the same sentence at the beginning of the next episode, why they don’t use the same footage.  The actor will say it with different inflection or sometimes even different words and it drives me nuts sometimes.  It’s recorded, just use the tape.  I know that doesn’t always work because of a dramatic pause that may not take place in a conversation, but not always.


    When people say things "I just want Bo gone" it’s b/c of their hate towards Peter – thus not separating the two.

    Sure – there might be some ANTI Bo fans – in general OR because they liked Hope with Aiden.  But on the whole – a lot of these peope who "want Bo gone" are saying that b/c of Peter’s real life demands. 

    Sorry – but Soaps are a dying breed and I take no issue with how Peter leveraged social media to get something that the DOOL brass wasn’t giving him.  When they just threw Drake & Deidra out on their asses (several times) and they didn’t fight back – all we said was aweeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!  Peter sticks up for himself and asks the fans to rally and then what?  We all hate Bo!? C’mon!!  THAT is absurd!!!  

    And if you were insulted that’s all on you ;)  


    Please see above :)  


     Ahhhh someone who is equally passionate I the opposing side.  Thanks for filling me in.


     from what I have read, they do everything in one take and sometimes have 90 pages of script in one day’s shooting. 

    Not sure of the motaivation of this SL unless to show fans that Bo is willing to do anthing to get free and back to Fancy Face.

    Also remember that scenes are shot out of sequence and put together later.


     How is that any different thatn the thousands of fans who wanted Will gone because "he wasn’t Chandler"? Again, Chandler left on his own and all most people said was ,"please bring back Chandler"., etc. While Guy wasn’t the polished actor Chandler had become, I remember very wel peopl talking about Chandler and his silly grin. Guey couldn’t help what the writers did to his character, but it didn’t stop people for calling for him to be gone. 


    Regardless of what Peter did or didn’t do to stay in the role of Bo, it was the writers who destroyed his character/personality.  The Bo we knew, and loved, would never have stayed away from his Fancy Face…period.  I am thrilled he is back…but want a happy ending for Bo & Hope…it’s what the characters deserve…not to mention the viewers!!


    I was one of those people – I hated Guy as Will but that is because they changed the character.  It’s not that Guy was a bad Will – it was that the character of Will changed.  Sure – I didn’t like Guy’s acting but I felt like Will wasn’t Will anymore.

    When they changed Austin I liked it.  Austin Peck was dopey enough to believe that Sami can manipuliate him – so it was believable.  Same thing with Chad – I prefer Billy over Casey b/c I don’t think Casey had the chops to do THIS version of Chad.  JMO.

    But Bo has never changed.  Bo IS Bo – and we haven’t really even see him on screen yet to see if the character changed or not.  I mean sure, you could argue that Bo would never have left Fancy Face but let’s not forget – Bo took his Mom to the doctor and now we see he was kidnapped.  So TECHNICALLY Bo didn’t leave her.  What I never liked was when Bo was still stuck on Billie and chose her over Hope.  But alas – I was still always happy to have Bo around.

    THAT is the difference for me :)  


    Bo (the character) didn’t do anything to make me dislike either him or Peter. BUT, Peter (the actor) definitely made me dislike both him AND Bo. And I’m sure people say they “want Bo gone” instead of saying they “want Peter gone” is because, like me, I almost always refer to the actors by their character’s name. That doesn’t mean I can’t distinguish the two, it’s just that my poor old brain can’t always come up with the actor’s name when I want it.

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