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    Ok I’m sort of confused…..Why exactly  is Brady dragging Nicole down to the police station?  Does he know what she did? I read tomorrow’s episode but it just confused me. 


    Didn’t he find a bank statement or take a call for her from her bank and there was a large sum deposited.  He’s obviously upset about being lied to again and wants to know what she did now to get that money.


     he’d do it.  Plus, she’s going down there for Baker isn’t she?



    She hasn’t lied to him about the money.  What business is it of his what she has in the bank or where she got it?  Now if he had come right out and asked her if she was hurting for money and she said yes, then, yes, that would be a lie. 

    This is just a contrived way for them to get Brady to go off the deep as was rumored a few days ago.  I don’t know if he’ll also fall off the wagon (I hope not) but it sounds like he’s definitely going to the dark side.  I certainly don’t understand the reasoning for this, they usually do it the other way around and redeem a bad guy but who have they gone with this way?


     but then again, what bank would turn over any information, let alone the questioning of a staggering sum, to anyone other than the person whose name is on the account?  I know they stopped after a while with giving Brady any info, but it should have stopped as soon as he said ‘Mrs. DiMera is not here at the moment.’  Again, I think he’s doing it more to prove to both Nicole and to hisself that Nicole is lying to him…again.


    Marlena "went bad" when she was possessed and the slasher.  Hope, now (and maybe in her Princess Gina days).  Stephanie was a bit devious there for awhile.  Sami…(how long of a message can I type?)  Several other ladies from the past too "went bad" – seems like the writers at times expect women not to be able to handle,  trauma and trouble, not stay strong and face their issues and have the women turn to "the dark side". 

    I think on your first point, Brady knew Nicole was broke (he mentioned and she did too about the place she was living in several times).  Brady knows Nicole’s "taste" for the good life and that she would never live there in a place like that willingly.  So he knows the only reason she has any money (enough to be stashed in an off-shore account) is she got it nefiriously, like blackmail, etc.  It may be none of his business to know about her business, but he just told the woman he thought he knew (yeah right), he loved her.  Given Nicoles history, (and Brady knowing full well that history) – I can see him reacting in a not so nice way, (sans the bed scene).


    I think so, SW. In my opinion, Brady’s taking Nicole to the police station is just a way for the writers to get her and Baker in the same room. That way, their secret might come out and Nicole might be exposed for framing Arianna. That is if dim bulb Brady can put two and two together.


    Funny the straw that breaks the camels back for him is she lied about MONEY!!! never mind she stole his step sisters baby!


    What a comedy.  I was laughing my keister off on todays show.   Daniel, standing there at the curtain talking to Chloe.  That was just about the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen, (and I’ve sat through a lot in this show). 

    The little nurse telling the other little nurse (Mel), who didn’t work at the hospital, about a reason for a patients being at the hospital.  Carly and her lies to Mel and Dan piling up – they are going  to bury her more than Vivian ever did. 

    The one not funny thing they had in the show, the scene, where that Dr. Dan was saying was as a doctor, knowing that he was speaking to a burn patient, started gushing (babbling more like it), about his "beautiful" fiancee…Uncool Dr. Dan, very uncool. 

    Then the very end scene at the SPD with Dr. Baker, Brady, Roman, Nicole, Hope and Brady…priceless…Nicole is spinning.  I hope they don’t hang Dr. Baker with it all, I want Nicole to get her  "Do not collect the five million dollars and go directly to jail card"…I’m going to love being the fly on the wall watching the explanations.


    What in the heck is an ‘illegal account’.  Brady has mentioned it several times.  I’ve never heard of such a thing and I worked in a bank for several years in my past.  The only thing I can think of that would constitute an illegal account would be if someone opened one under a false name and that’s not the case here.  There is nothing wrong with having an off-shore account or one in another country (i.e. Cayman Islands, which BTW is probably the most beautiful place in the world for scuba diving and has more banks per capita than anywhere else in the world).

    So, I wish someone would explain to me what they mean by this.  Also, that is the lamest excuse for a depot slip I’ve EVER seen.  And what in the heck do the police have to do with her stashing money off-shore?  Unless they can prove some kind of fraud or illegal activity, they can’t touch her.  Even that would come from the IRS, not the police.  Talk about contrived!!!  These writers are carrying contrivision (is that a word? sounds like a good one to me) to the utmost extreme.


    I’d always heard the term "illegal offshore account" and though that meant it was there to hide money from the US government to avoid paying taxes or it eas gotten through illegal activities.


    the money to the IRS before putting it in to the account, (there’s a congressman in real life now having the same difficulties with the ethics committee) –

    Maybe the don’t have an IRS office in town.  Brady took her to SPD, so they would report the information to the IRS.  Since the money was gained by blackmail (which the blackmail part will probably come out soon) – all they need is EJ showing up at the jail (now that would be funny).  They are going to need a bigger set.  

    Perhaps, Brady took her, (knowing how Nicole is) to the cop shop, he knew she could be a flight risk.


    I think Nicole should’ve asked for a different amount than $5 million dollars!  She hasnt had that much luck with that amount of money!   She got 5 mil for marrying Lucas and look how that turned out.  and now this time!  LOL.

    Ms. Jake

    She should say it’s her divorse settlement! Are they divorsed yet????


    so true!  And she couldn’t be "set for life" at a million?  She’s another woman who in her entire life has "lived" off men – Nicole is a preying mantis.  Granted her younger years were not a walk in the park, but then there are a lot of women in the world who have over come adversity and become strong and independent…Nicole would not know how to live other than a life of crime, graft, blackmail or living on her back.  That’s why I admire Fay (Nicky’s Mom) so much more, she is to be admired, school of hard knocks but taking the high road every time.  Nicole always takes the low road and I hope it really bites her in the keister this time.

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