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     Did anyone else notice how EJ looked in the coming attractions for Monday’s show???


    Yeah, with the shaved head?! I guess that explains what ppl have been wondering, since we’ve seen pics of him a short while back with a shaved him…Clearly, this is the reason why (the docs had to shave it to do surgery on his head).


    That will be the first time I’ve seen any actor on Days have head surgery/injury and have his head shaved.  I wonder why the sudden dose of reality! 


    Maybe James Scott wanted the realism and was thinking of the hair cut already.  I guess when it’s a woman with a head injury they can’t ask her to shave her head though but usually they have a length of gauze wrapped around their head with hair in tact underneath.


    They don’t do that anymore, they only shave the area that will be opened up.  And surgery to remove a bullet or repair its damage would be very small.  My brother had a large piece removed from his skull to relieve pressure and they just barely shaved beyond the incission.  I guess it’s kind of like why they don’t shave a woman anymore during childbirth.  And those of you who have never experienced that have REALLY missed out on something!


     said that James insisted on it.


    (younger crowd) got Brazilian now days!  ;)


    31 years ago on Tuesday!  The itching when it started to grow back wasn’t very pleasant either!!


     one of the female characters did have her head shaved for the part.  She said she wanted to have it be really realistic of what women go through.  But on Y&R they just used a bald wig for it and then a lot of scarfs. 

    I’m guessing since it was the beginning of summer James probably thought it would be cooler for the summer.  Plus, it’s a dramatic change which would go along with what his character is going through.  



    Days!  I though it was also great when Kristan (Hope) went without makeup when she was ill.  Most of the time actors in soaps are dressed to the hilt and have full makeup in even all their many "death scenes"…I think it’s great that EJ is going to look the part. 

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