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    Brady barely gets the words out of his mouth about the drinking frameup and Ari immediately doesn’t believe him.
    So much for this relationship. How ironic that she is in jail for a setup herself and she of all people should know better than to assume the worst.
    Of course, Nicole is right there waiting.


    to step in with Ari, because Rafe’s broken out of jail and Sami will run back to him, and Nicole will get Brady you can see the handwriting on the wall for the summer story line…so predictable!


    I don’t know what was.  There wasn’t even a pinch of belief that Brady might be telling the truth.  Wouldn’t the first inclination be to believe the one you love?  Nah!  Not in Salem it isn’t.  Brady was right on the money when he said he had doubts about the future of this relationship.  Well you got that one right Brady.

    Yes, this will certainly leave vacancies for others to move into.  Time to switch partners, all the way around.


    that ‘thimble’ full of liquor that Baker poured down Brady’s throat couldn’t possibly have done the amount of damage they would have me believe, even with his being drugged beforehand.  What did Nathan say his blood alcohol content was?  I have to wonder what blood alcohol test could have possibly shown any "high level" of alcohol in his system, or even have shown up on a monitor at all.  He was given one pill in his soda, which probably did make him sleepy or dizzy; but Baker poured more alcohol over Ethan’s shirt than he did down his throat.  Yet, it would appear he was on death’s doorstep from drug and alcohol poisoning.  LOL. Once again, pathetic believability factor.  


      Or was that intentional.  LOL

    I agree about the alcohol and they should have been able to determine the drug was a "roofie" and not something an addict would typically take.  You don’t take a recreational drug to make you fall asleep and forget everything that happened.




    When I was watching Dr. Baker "pour" the alcohol down Brady’s throat, all I could think of was that if he was truly out cold like they wanted us to believe, he would be drowning.  Can an uncouncious (sorry about the spelling) person really swallow what is being poured down his throat?  Does everybody have such little faith in Brady that they all assume that he was out drinking and partying?  I know that ass/u/me disease again. 


     that would make more sense that the thought was of Ethan, lol.  Plus, Ethan was on the other show more years than Eric has been on this one.

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