Home Forums The Brady Pub Project Runway – Season 12 ….

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     I think it was in one of the previews of what’s happening this season that shows Tim actually using his "Tim Gunn save."  Until then, we get to hear his silly announcement  "I’m choosing not to use my Tim Gunn save because this time I agree with the judges."  We kinda figured that out already Tim.

    The red sombrero dress was fabulous.  I was only half-watching the whole show and I regret that I didn’t watch it more carefully because I would have liked to see how they put it together.  The runner up was cute too if you were a teenager, although Heide wanted it.

    I still like the Australian guy but so far he’s always just been safe.  His looks are always well polished.  Justin, the deaf designer, has good taste so he’ll probably be safe alot but never a winner.  I was worried last night when he was paired with pale-faced Alexander because I question his (Alexander’s) taste in design .  Sandro, yikes, he does like to steal the limelight doesn’t he? – he and Sami Brady should be in a scene together – who could be more theatrical?  So they’ll keep him on for entertainment now that they couldn’t think of a reason to keep Timothy any longer.  And thank heavens he’s finally gone. All that unicorn crap, bawling, and "I’m the only designer who EVER got a letter from his model."  Gad, I wanted to puke.   I look for Miranda or Alexander to go next.

    There are some really good designers this year.  I like the format that the judges can see the construction up close because making the clothes is just as important as designing it.




    AFAIC! Loved the red dress made from the sombreros; it was definitely best in show for me. Hope this whole season isn’t made up of ridiculous materials. I’m waiting to see them work with what would truly be appropriate for a fashion runway. Sandro (sp?) is a lunatic, and I was happy to see the gal he was partnered with (forget her name) not take any crap off of him. Some real talent there this season, but still waiting for the real deal fabrics to appear.


    That Sando was off the charts – what an ego! He was like every stereotype of the tempermental misunderstood artist. Wonder if he’s ever been arrested or did the cameras just fuel his full of himself attitude?


    if he just never came back or if he tried to come back and the show execs wouldn’t allow it. Either way, I’m sure the other designers are so relieved that he’s gone. I know I am.


    I was not going to miss one minute of the first preseason game between the Baltimore Ravens and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, but I did watch it this a.m. and all I can say about Sondro is ‘thank God he’s gone.’ That guy was a ticking time bomb, and I’m sure if they opened his head for any reason, they would find scrambled eggs where his brain should be. Anyway, Brad deserved to win with his outfit; it was stunning. I also loved the young black girl who designed the striped dress. I don’t sew, but I have wallpapered using stripes, and I would imagine it’s close to the same as far as lining up your pattern perfectly, or your mistakes stand out like a sore thumb. I also loved the fact that she had hair and makeup style her model’s hair in a bowtie. That was clever. I was a little surprised at Sue (I think that’s her name — the woman with the dreadlocks-looking hair), because her work was a mess, and I thought she was going to be a front-runner. Looks like Kate will be, though. I really liked her design. Her work sort of reminds me of Michelle’s, the winner from last season.


    with the “unconventional materials” task next week. Haven’t we already had a couple of those already? I know they’re popular and I too enjoy them but I think it’s time to go back to the legit fashion world.


    I am glad he is gone, he seemed so disrespectful of just about everyone , but he seemed to want advice on what his styles should be ,etc , instead of incorporating his style into what the judges requested.


    Who can stand that Ken? Terrible attitude, even though he was locked up in that trio w/Sue. I thought Sue would be a frontrunner early on, but her lack of sewing skills in a fast-paced environment did her in. That group’s collection was awful.


    or on a re-run night, since I completely forgot it was on last night, and would not have missed the Ravens second preseason game with Atlanta. But I have “On Demand” so I can watch it there or on another night. Which one is Ken?


    doomed from the start. You can always tell who is going to be in the bottom because the show focuses on them more than the others, though the time spent on Ken’s team last night was understandable. I, too, thought Sue was going to be a shining star, but she quickly proved otherwise. I actually liked one of the other team’s outfits last night more than the outfits of the team that won, but I did like Kate’s a lot. 


     to criticize Sue for not being able to sew on those machines.  I have been sewing all my life.  Even taught sewing for singer.  But only on my old 1973 Singer.  I don’t think I’d be able to use them either.  I was hoping Tim would give her the break.

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