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    their last during an interview with Sally Field.


    I liked that show and I thought they had pretty decent ratings.  Somebody (Sally Field?) must not have wanted to continue.  Or else they just ran out of stories to write.


    Sally Field is playing Mary Todd Lincoln in Speilberg’s upcoming Lincoln film. I’m looking forward to this one.


    I plan on watching Grimm this fall.  I’m not into murders, killings etc but my granddaughter Melissa is in the previous as the dead girl laying in a pool of water with the frog on her face and also as snow white with the apple



    I’d watch too…of course! 

    I haven’t head of it yet.  What channel will it be on?  And is it about fairy tales or based on ones in modern day?


    I saw previews of it last night while we were watching Greys Anatomy.  Since we DVR’s it we didn’t stay on the commercials long enough for me to catch when it’s going to be on.

    Just checked.  Greys Anatomy is on ABC but they had ads for Grimm which is on NBC starting October 28th.


    I’m also looking forward to "Once Upon A Time" premiering next month, which is, I’m assuming, based on the same type of show — sort of a modern-day fairytale.  Not only do the previews look good, but it was written by the same writers who penned "Lost", which I absolutely loved.


    It’s not on now but a really good different adaptation (IMO) of the Camelot story.  Not typical at all.  Merlin is still a very young man, acting as not-yet-king Arthur’s valet and assistant to Gaius, the court’s medicine man, hiding his magical powers because Arthur’s father, Uther Pendragon, forbids magic in the kingdom. 

    And Gwen is just a black girl who is not quite a slave but a lowly worker who secretly loves Arthur.  Morgana is a ward of Uther and lives with them in the castle and is always plotting evil.  Very different yet very good stories.


    Jim Cavizel (sp?) pretty good show.  Also, another good one on t.v. tonight for us cooking and food buffs on CMT – this chef figures out what the secret ingridents to KFC and places like that…Top Secret or something like that…


    I started watching Pan Am and The Playboy Club, mostly because both are set in the early 1960s.  The Playboy Club has already been canceled after three episodes.  I’m losing interest in Pan Am.  I recorded Last Man Standing to watch after the baseball playoffs are over.  GO TIGERS !!


    I like to see if shows set in a certain time period are accurate.  One scene in the Playboy Club in Chicago had singer Lesley Gore being portrayed by an actress (good look-alike).  However, she was singing "It’s My Party And I’ll Cry If I Want To", which was a hit in 1963.  The show was set in 1961.


    We started watching Terra Nova which to me was boring in the first couple of episodes but now it’s getting a bit better.  Haven’t found anything else new yet that I like. 


    thing they do is tone down Tim’s character’s ranting when he’s posting to his blog for the outdoor equipment company he works for.  It was a little too intense and loud.  The two older daughters look so much alike that I was having a hard time distinguishing which was which.  I’m sure I’ll get used to them as the show goes along.  I hope the ratings were good.


    shows with a laugh track but I like Tim Allen so much I had to watch.  I thought it was pretty good and if it had stayed in that time slot I’d probably to continue to watch.  It’ll depend on where they ultimately put it.  There’s another new show in that slot next week.

    I also love Person of Interest but someone needs to tell the guy who invented the machine (don’t know his name) that he either needs to keep his neck stiff or not…he’s very inconsistent.  I don’t remember them saying what happened to him to get his limp, etc.  Anyone know.

    I also like Prime Suspect.  Don’t know why but I do.  I think Maria Bello is the main reason.  She’s doing a great job.


    GMA is that "Last Man Standing" is on at the same time as it’s premier except that it’s just one show for a half hour starting at 8:00 PM.  There is another new show premiering after it at 8:30 PM.  From what I’m reading in various places I do believe it will stay at 8:00 PM.  Of course, once DWTS is over, who knows what the network planners will do along with whatever the ratings are….one never knows!

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