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  • #3265
    Carol J

    Did I hear Billy say that twins run in Carrie’s family? Marlena was a twin, Sami is a twin and has twins but Carrie is not Marlena’s daughter so twins donot run in her family…writers?


    and they are both Romans daughters so, yes, twins do run in her family.  I’m not even counting Sami’s twins, because they were conceived by two different fathers.  And, Marlena’s real life twin was her twin on the show as well.


    The twins came from Marlena’s side which is not Carrie’s family but they do seem to run in Kate’s side due to the Gemini Twins or was that manipulation by Stefano due to in-vetro fertilization using Marlena as the incubator.


    and, yes, the Gemini Twins (Cassie and Rex) would share Kates DNA, even though Marlena gave birth to them.  All that aside, I know two people who gave birth to natural (no fertility drugs) twins with no other twins on either the mother’s or father’s side.  Admittedly, it is rare.

    Carol J

    My own daughter gave birth to natural twins with no other twins on either side.


    Right, you cqn give birth to twins without twins in either side of the family but when Billie said that twins RAN in Carrie’s family she was wrong.  If she’s looking at the family tendency of twins then she needs to look at Marlena and her family not Roman’s.  


     I also had fraternal twin boys. Fraternals so not have to look alike and can be different sexes. However, as in my case, the likelihood of having twins increases as a woman ages. However, fraternal twins do run in families, but only on the mother’s side so Carrie being Roman’s daughter has no bearing.

    Kate’s twins don’t count, as they were implanted and this often results in multiples.

    Anyone can have identical twins (Marlena) cause it is just a single cell spliting –they are always the same sex and look alike.


    Just because there is one set of twins (Sami and Eric) doesn’t necessarily mean they "run in the family."  We can’t count Marlena (what’s her twin’s name again?) because she’s not related to Carrie.

    Identical twins are a different story, they can happen to anyone and are not genetic at all.  As to Marlena (actually Dee and Andrea), they are mirror-image twins.  I’m not sure if those are identical or fraternal.  (Just looked it up, mirrors are identical.) 

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