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    Hooray and kudos to J&M yesterday for getting the better of E.J. and Stefano.  Marlena, especially, backed both of them up to the wall, to the point where their idle threats sounded comical.  Well, if the truth be told, E.J. always sounds comical to me when he threatens anyone, and yesterday was certainly no different.  I’m just so darn happy to see John giving it right back to them.  Hope when this is over, I will be pleasantly surprised to know that those damn DiMeras get caught and that John and his small pack of enforcers takes them both down.  If not, this story line will be a very disappointing one for me.  I love when Stefano can’t get the best of them, and he was extremely frustrated with J&M yesterday.  I thought it was very funny when every time E.J. opened his mouth to speak, Marlena would look at Stefano, as if she was trying to see if his mouth was moving.  LOLOL!


    and I kept hoping for John not to cave and he didn’t.


    It seems like they’ve had too many meetings with John at their discretion and his attorney not present.   That is just sloppy writing. 


    that the Dimeras would be allowed to see John without his attorney present.  That was downright ridiculous.

    I also thought both Dimaras were sorely lacking in their presentation skills to buy out Basic Black.  They started with a threat instead of pointing out all the benefits to John.  No wonder he refused.  For supposedly high-powered business men (and an attorney), they sure are stupid.

    Now if this were a movie instead of a soap, the outcome I’d LOVE to see happen is that instead, John (and Basic Black) would ultimately be able to buy out Stefano and his entire empire, rendering the whole family, Kate and all, penniless and destitute.  Now THAT would be payback in spades.

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