Home Forums The Annex Board I need the back story on this Eileen Davidson and…

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    Jason Brooks…"caught with her hand in the proverbial cookie jar" as it were… Jason played Peter…and Jennifer and Peter did "hook up" (wayyyyyyyyy back in 1994) on the show as characters (and as well as in real life – hence Melissa had to quit the show immediately – she was sued by Corday as well).  Remember the paint fumes in Laura Horton’s office that made Laura nutso that Peter did?  Peter caused all kinds of havoc and mayhem.


    was married to Jennifer Horton on the show.  Melissa Reeves was supposedly involved with the actor who played Peter Blake, Jason something or other.


    Susan, Mary Moira, Thomas and Penelope. SUsan found Penelope in England and discovered she was a long lost sister that her mother gave up since four babies was too hard (wheras 3 is easy?!?!?). Penelope had been adopte dand raised by an English family and was some great stage actress in England. Penelope flew back to Salem with SUsan to confront Kristen. SHe was taking the same medication as Laura Horton, Placidin (love the made up meds on Days) and drinking champagne and had a terminal illness. SHe passed out and fell in the pool and drowned. Everyone thought Kristen or SUsan was dead. Kristen was shipped off to some middle eastern Prince’s harem. SUsan left the country with Baby Elvis (EJ) to raise him with her English boyfriend Edmund Crumb, who might have been the one that pushed Penenlope in the pool thinking it was Kristen. That part is  a little hazy for me. I think at one point, Kristen was prentending ot be Susan too. It got really wacky.

    Buth she played 5 total parts.


    You’re right.  The part about drowning in the pool brought it back for me. 


    Thanks for rembering me Penelope.  I thought there were quads.  Boy, you really have a good memory.


     Bet I could cure cancer if my brain wasn’t filled up with useless Days information! Been watching since 1983 and there has been a lot of stories in those 30 years.


    Isn’t that so true of most of us?  :o)

    I’ve always said that’s the reason I’m fairly good at Jeopardy…because my brain is filled with useless facts and information which only comes in handy while watching Jeopardy or playing Trivial Pursuit.

    I’m sure my friends and family get purturbed (probably folks on here too) when I start throwing these little tidbits out.


    those still! :) 

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